
Golden Retriever

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A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

CKC Ch, CFC Ch Backroad Celtic Draught
Backroad Aithusia
JrCH CFC/FCI, CanCh Backroad Amorial Bearings
Backroad Ark of Noah
Backroad Amazing Gracie
Can CH, CFC Jr CH, BackRoad Bold as Brass
Backroad I am Canadian
Backroad Creme Brulee
Can Ch, CFC Ch, Prestige Butterfly Z Karczewskich Szuwarow CGN
Playfellow Butterfly Z Karczewskich Szuwarow
Int'l CH Paradais Butterfly Z Karczewskich Szuwarow
ChPL,JrChPL,ClubWinnerPL2004 BARBO Scandinavia Finland
Int'l CH Basic Scandinavia Finland
CH SK, Grand CH SK Bren Scandinavia Finland
Big Irmandino Scandinavia Finland
Bebita Scandinavia Finland
CZ + SK Ch, JCh SK Beauty Queen Scandinavia Finland Best bitch 2003, 2004, Club Junior winner
Bara Scandinavia Finland
Bianca Scandinavia Finland
Jr Champion and Champion PL Calypso Butterfly Z Karczewskich Szuwarow
JrChPL CAPRI BUTTERFLY z Karczewskich Szuwar?w
PL jWinner/CZ Winner/LV Club Winner`04 Castian Butterfly z Karczewskich Szuwarow
Carlos Butterfly z Karczewskich Szuwarow
CFC Elite CH Blackpool Riia CD RE CGN
Can.CH Majik High And Mighty
Majik Her Nibs
Majik Her Grace
Youngcountry Mon Amie
Can Ch Youngcountry Sir Charles
Chrys-Haefen Third Time Charm CGN
Jrs Serendipity Chrys-Haefen
Chrys-Haefen Hide'N Seek
CanCH Chrys-haefen Halleluiah
Chrys-haefen Waking up N'Vegas
Chrys-Haefen Taking Chances
UKC CH Chrys-Haefen Chanceofalifetime
chrys-haefen rachel berry
Can CH Chrys-haefen Unforeseen Chance
Chrys-Haefen Ease My Worries
Can CH Chrys-Haefen Floatlikeabutafly
Can CH Chrys-Haefen Three Crowns
Can CH Chrys-Haefen Shetani at Kyon
CanCH Chrys-Haefen Chetani at Kyon
Chrys-Haefen Golden Creek Sophie
Aon's Stings Like a Bee
Raplabgold GloryT'Chrys-haefen
CanCH Raplabgold Looking for Cash
Raplabgold Gloryt'Chrys Haefen
BISS Can. CH. Chrys-Haefen More For The Mony
Shaynedoro Dream On Raplabgold
Tenby's Amber Joy

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