
Golden Retriever

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Ambertru's Joey Jax CGN

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Ambertru's Joey Jax CGN
Am. Can. Ch. Ambertru's Hard 2B Humble OS
MBPIG CanCH Ambertru's 2B A Tripler Star CD RE CGN
Ambertru's T'Devil Wears Prada
Can Ch. Ambertru's Sweet Chilli Heat OD
Can Ch OTCH UCH UCD Ambertru Tri N Hard 2B Modest Am CDX RA BISS (HITS)
Ambertru's 2B The One
BIS/BISS Can./Am. Ch. Klaasem's Zoom Zoom Zoom Can. SDHF, Can./Am. OS
Klaasems R You Ready To Rumble
Prospector Klaasem U R The One
BIS Am/Can Ch Klaasem's Hubba Hubba Hubba OS SDHF
Klaasem's Yadda Yadda Yadda
Klaasem What Legends R Made Of
Am. Ch. Daybreak Varsity Jump OS
Daybreak Wedgwood True Wings
Daybreak Stars N Stripes
BIS Can. Ch. Prospectors Klaasem Ooh La La
CanCH Prospectors Taylor Made
CanCH Prospectors Gold-en Triumph
Prospector's Just Havin' Fun TDIA
CanCH Prospector's Rocky Mountain Hi
Can CH. Ambertru's Rize N Shine OD
Can Ch. Ambertru's Blonde Bombshell
Can. CH Ambertru Arcane Pay Per View
Ambertru's Can't Hardly Wait
Can.Ch Ambertru Shall We Dance
Ambertru's Taffy
Can. Ch. Shaynedoro Oncemorewithfeeling
Shaynedoro Encoretohearthside
Can CH Shaynedoro Everlasting Encore
BPIS CanCH Ambertru's Untouchable OD
Ambertru Shaynedoro Luvmnleavm CanCDX
Ambertru's Immortal Beloved
Ambertru Starquest Magic Touch
CanCH Ambertru's Touch Tag
Ambertru Starquest One Touch
Can Ch. Ambertru's Wind in The Willows OD
Tenkarat's Explorin with Dora
BISS Can. CH. Chrys-Haefen More For The Mony
Am Ch Jazzmin Pebwin's Xtravaganz OS
Jazzmin's Absolut Appeal CD OA OAJ NJC-V NAC-V JV-N RV-N CGC
Jazzmin's Jaspar
Jazzmin's Dream A L'll Dream
Jazzmin's Seaview Xcalibur
Jazzmin's Sweet Sadie-Sue
Jazzmin's Moongold Chloe
CanCH Chrys-Haefen Miss Marple
CanCH Chrys-Haefen Cagney At Skylon
CanCH Chrys-Haefen Hill Street Blues
Chrys-haefen Dream Corhampton
Can Ch. Ambertru's Blonde Bombshell
Can. CH Ambertru Arcane Pay Per View
Ambertru's Can't Hardly Wait
Can.Ch Ambertru Shall We Dance
Ambertru's Taffy
Can CH. Ambertru's Rize N Shine OD
Can. Ch. Shaynedoro Oncemorewithfeeling
Shaynedoro Encoretohearthside
Can CH Shaynedoro Everlasting Encore
BPIS CanCH Ambertru's Untouchable OD
Ambertru Shaynedoro Luvmnleavm CanCDX
Ambertru's Immortal Beloved
Ambertru Starquest Magic Touch
CanCH Ambertru's Touch Tag
Ambertru Starquest One Touch

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