
Golden Retriever

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litter J

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

litter J
Sunnyfield's Boungiorno
Sunnyfield's Betty White
Sunnyfield's Bellissima
WW'21, It, Swiss, Int, At, UK Sh Ch Olvinglay Soothsayer JW
It, Int, UK Sh Ch Olvinglay Hallelujah
Olvinglay Heritage
Olvinglay Herm?s
Olvinglay Haute Couture
Int Sh Ch, C.I.E. Enterprise Oligarchia
JCH BLR, CH RUS, Club CH Entertainer Oligarchia BIS Junior
It Ch. Xanthos Olvinglay
Xanthos Equinox
Xanthos Icaria
Xanthos Cassini
Xanthos Solstice At Lucastes
ICH. ROCH. Minnie De Vallserrat
V-WW'13,V-WW'15,JWW'12, HJCh,ROCH,HSCH, C.I.E. Dewmist Hope Of Harlequin
SEU(u) Ch NOU Ch Dewmist Cape Of Good Hope
Dewmist Handful of Hope
Aust CH Dewmist Highway of Hope
SWI CH, CIE Valdelesabeyes de Vallserrat AmW-15
Oryssa host of angels
Yachtmann Joki Host Of Angels
Yanella Yessy Host Of Angels
Yunga Yanni Host of Angels
Yachtmann Yoki Host of Angels
JWW'13 HJCH HRJCH, CH Bonett Bride Energy Source
CH Bonett Bride Eternal Dream
JWW'13 HJCH HRJCH Bonett Bride Especially Dry
CanCH Bonett Bride Earl Grey
Bonett Bride Everest Summit
CanCH Bonett Bride El Paso
Daily Rays Rising Star
IT Vet Ch - CH Vet Ch Daily Rays Joyful Dream
Daily Rays December Dream
Daily Rays Sweet Dream
Daily Rays Lucky Star
Daily Rays Starry Sky
Daily Rays Catch the Dream
CIB CIE FI SE(U) EE LV CH Daily Rays Charming Star JV-10 BALTJV-10 LVJV-11 LVV-12 TLNW-13
CH CZ, CH SK, JCH CZ Daily Rays Dream Maker (Club Winner '13, '14)
Harley Harriet Host Of Angels
C.I.B, C.I.E,?CH, Cro.Ch, Slo.Ch, Cr.J.Ch, Slo.J.Ch Buck A Roo of the Morning Valley (Club Winner '12)
Tessa Thalia Host Of Angels

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