
Golden Retriever

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ARCH Starvale's Days Of Wine And Roses BN RA CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

ARCH Starvale's Days Of Wine And Roses BN RA CGC
ARCH Starvale's My Heart Will Go On BN RA CGC
ARCHMX x 2 Starvale's Highland Dancer CD BN RE CGC
ARCHMX2 CT-ATCH Citrine's Going My Way To Starvale CD BN RE OAP OJP NFP ACT2 CGC RL1-AOE
Citrine's Still Waters Run Deep @ Starvale
Citrine's I Would Stand In Line For This
Citrine's This One's Ten Foot Tall And Bulletproof
Citrine's There's Always Room In Life For This
Citrine's All Or Nothing
Calle Lily's Summer Love
Calle Lily's Kentucky Rain
CH Citrine's Legendary Hero
Citrine's Cayenne Pepper
Citrine's Two Much Two Ask
Citrine's Snow White
Citrine's Two Late For Me Two Take A Second Look
Citrine's Instant Replay CGCU
Citrine's Miss Abigail
Citrine's Liliokalani Adeline
Citrine's Tell Me 'Bout The Birds And The Bees
Citrine's One Two Many
UCICB Int'l. Ch. Citrines Promise's Two Share
Citrine's Give Me Your Answer Do JH
Citrine's Tell It Like It Is
Citrine's Tell Me Sweet Little Lies
ARCHMX 4 Starvale's One Moment In Time CD RE CGC RL1-AOE RL2-AOE
CanCH CT-ATCH2 ARCHMX3 Passion N Starvale's Celtic Legend CDX BN RE CGC TKP OAP OJP NF
GCHB CH Sandspur's Be Cool OS,CGC,HIC
CH Gorca Sandspur The Illusionist BOSS
Loonsong-Passion's Mossy Oak AX AXJ
MACH Loonsong The Territory Ahead MXS MJB CGC WC ADHF
Loonsong's Snows No Fear
Loonsong Backcountry A-Scent Am/Can TD
Can CH Starvale's Million Dollar Baby CDX RE NAP NJP CCA RL1CTL1-F CTL-2R CTL-2H
Can CH Starvale's In A New York Minute CCA
CanCH Starshine Starvale Trbo Chg'd Taz RN NAP NJP CCA
Ukc-Can CH, UAG1 Starshines Whats Up Doc CDX RAE2 TD OA NAJ NAP NJP CCA WC CanCD,RN,WC,
Starshines Beatle Bailey
Starshines Sufferin Sucatash
Starshines Dreams Come True
Starshines Gustave Pepe Le Pieu
Starshines Wile E Coyote
Starshines Scooby Doo
Starshines Tiny Toons
CanCH Starvale's The Devil Made Me Do It CDX RE CGC CCA
Cedar Crest's Runaway Heart

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