
Golden Retriever

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Q-Wurf vom Rennweg

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Q-Wurf vom Rennweg
Dreamcatcher Albus Fang
Dodge Albus Fang for Navilis
CIB, JCH UA, JGrand CH UA, CH UA, CH HU, CH MOL, CH RO, CH BES, GrChMOL, CH UKU, BBB Terra Di Siena Shining Winter TopBOB'20, GrandCHUA, SuperGrChUA
IntCh (C.I.B), ShowCh, ChPrRus, ChRus, ChClub, GrandChRus, 6хChRKF, JChRus, 2хJChRKF, 3xBISS Terra di Siena Love Me Forever
Trialer.Ch.CIB.CIE.Ch.Spain Ch.France. Ch.Gbz Terra Di Siena Lilith La Luna Nera Crufts CC. BOS.2022
Tamniarn Johnny Jump Up to Meiepere
Tamniarn Dizzy Daisy
Tamniarn Forget Me Not Sandaula JW ShCM
Tamniarn Pepper Pot
Tamniarn Cheeky Cherry
PT CH GBZ.CH. Terra Di Siena Sunrise Sunrise
SEU(u)CH GI CH GBZ CH, GBZ/BEL JCH Stanroph Si Maximillion de Terra di Siena
SE U(u) Ch Terra Di Siena Bono Beach
SPA JCH Terra di Siena Rigel Dinamita
JCH UA, JCH MOL, GrJCH MOL; CH UA Energy Enigma Ola De Oro
Eskimo Pie Ola De Oro
CIE, MultiCH, JCHUA, JCHLT, JCHMOL, CH BUL, CH MOL, CH UA, BBB Ramchaine Virtuoso GrandCH, SuperGrandCH
Ramchaine Vibrant
Ramchaine Extremely Fetching
Ramchaine Extremely Scrummy FDC BCAT RATN ATT
Ramchaine Vision On
Ramchaine Vanguard
Ramchaine Exceedingly Swanky
Ramchaine Exceedingly Zestful
Jeni Maybach
Jade De Fleur
Yelle of Millroad
Ylvie of Millroad
Yasper of Millroad
Catch the Wind O'Connor
Int.Ch, Dt.Ch. PL Ch, German Winner, Slo Winner, B.B. King Oligarchia J. German Winner
PL Ch. Be-Bop-A-Lula Oligarchia
Ch. Ba-Ba-Re-Bop Oligarchia
Bluebird Oligarchia
CH PL Int. Ch. Boogie Woogie Oligarchia Junior Club Winner 2013, Slovenian Winner 2015 Poland Winner
Dt.Ch(VDH),Pl.Ch. Fenpinque Miss Prada
CIE, PLJrCh, ROJrCh, H Ch, PL Ch, RO Ch, SRB Ch, PL Vet Ch Fenpinque Prada Perfect
Fenpinque Spellemaster
Fenpinque So Prada to Lovehayne
RBISS Champion Fenpinque Pradaspelle at Savannalands
Tinkerbell of Millroad
Gillbryan Joseph's Dream
Eng.Sh.Ch Gillbryan Any Dream Will Do JW
Gillbryan Rachel's Girl At Monfortmagic
Jellybean of Millroad
Jamboree of Millroad
Jakkobay of Millroad
Jazzman of Millroad

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