
Golden Retriever

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Owen x Zaya

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Owen x Zaya
Owen Du Fort De Bertheaume
Oliver du Fort de Bertheaume
Oxford du Fort de Bertheaume
French CH Cheek to Cheek Make Me Wanna Die
Cheek to Cheek Make the Sun Shine
Cheek to Cheek Make Your Move
Cheek to Cheek Make me Happy
Cheek to Cheek Make Believe
ENG CH, NL CH Dutchtab van de Beerse Hoeve NJK'15, BJK'15, Hopprins 2015, Bundessieger'15
Swiftkey v.d. Beerse Hoeve
Dutch Ch Phoneathome van de Beerse Hoeve
Cheek to Cheek Glenscotia
Cheek to Cheek Joyful Charm
PL CH Cheek to Cheek Glenfarclas
Cheek to Cheek Glencadam
Cheek to Cheek Glenrothes
Cheek to Cheek Glenelgin
Cheek to Cheek Glenlivet
Cheek to Cheek Glendullan
CH TR Maélig du Fort de Bertheaume
Élite A Magic Chorus du Fort de Bertheaume
Dual CH.(IB & CS), CH.Lux., CH TR. & CH. B&B Royal Crest Gold-N Cracklyn Fusion
Royal Crest Gold-N Forever Fusion
Royal Crest Gold-n Finest Fusion
Elite A Trialer Fidélig du Fort de Bertheaume
Think Twice Ultimate Chaser
Think Twice Question of Honour
Think Twice Queen of Compromise
OJCH OCH Golden Mountain Spring's Wily
Golden Mountain Spring's Wild Flame
Maggie's Tales Overture To Think Twice
Think Twice Xtrafactor
Think Twice Xtra Edition
Vice ICC2014 Winner, INT FT CH, IT FT CH The Road Runner
FtCh Pixie Dixie and Jinks the Cat
Think Twice Amarcord
Think Twice Absolute Beginners
Perils of penelope pitstop
Think Twice Lady Macbeth
Think Twice Lady Godiva
Think Twice Lady Macduff

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