
Golden Retriever

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Straight Outta Mud Lick

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Straight Outta Mud Lick
Solar Wind Edgar
EE & LT JCH I'm Terra Antyda Elliott
Int'l CH. I'M Terra Antyda Extraordinaire CA RATN BCAT DM DS CGCA TKN USJ
I'm Terra Antyda Emily
I?m Terra Antyda Endless love
EE & LV & LT & BALT JCH, Nordic JW'17 I'm Terra Antyda Eliza
Gillbryan Joseph's Dream
Eng.Sh.Ch Gillbryan Any Dream Will Do JW
Gillbryan Rachel's Girl At Monfortmagic
Est & LV & LT & Balt JCH Milbu Hello for Terra Antyda
JCh Rus,JClub Ch, J GR, GR Ch,Ch Rus,2-x Club Ch,RKF Ch Salandatterra Miss Solar Wind
Salandatterra My Cooper
Salandatterra Mr. Nelson
Salandatterra Maxcillian
Salandatterra Matchless Star
Ch FrCS Salandatterra Magic Topman
Ch Ua, Ch Ro, JunCh MD, JunGrCh MD, JunCh BESS, JunGrCh BESS Salandatterra Moonlight Melody CQ 2018
Salandatterra Maxcilla
GrCH UA, CH Rus, CH MD, GR CH MD Salandatterra Midnight Melody For Take Five
GrChRom, ChUa, Bye, Rom, Bul, Bal Glitters Miss Salandaterra FT-DUCK JGrChUa, JChUa, Bul, Mol, Sal, Bal
Glitters Mister Maximilianus
Glitters Magic Moment
Germ. & Danish Ch Glitters Much of Muchness
Sugar Cane V
Navilis Fancy Folly
Navilis Fall In Love
Navilis Fool Proof
Int/Nat Ch Int/Nat BaCh Navilis Fairy Tale CGC
IntCh, MultCh, ChSK, GrChSK, ChSRB, GrChSR, ChUA Evidog Kasino
Evidog Kiwi
Evidog Kayla
Dutch JCH / VDH-JCH Evidog Kartago RheinlandPfalz-Sieger '13/Jug. Sieger Rostock '11
INTER Ch, MULTI Ch, Ch.UA,GEO,MOL,BES Navilis Attract Attention GrChUA,GEO,MOL,JCh.Ua, Ft-Duck
Navilis All Inclusive
Navilis Ace In The Hole
Navilis Adrenalin Rush
JCH UA Navilis Amazing Flame
Navilis Admired Wonder
Miller's Delta Of Sugartree Ln.
Silvermine The Freyr
Silvermine Polar Star
Silvermine's Layla
Silvermine's Golden Glove Rocky
Silvermine Kjans Katy

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