
Golden Retriever

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Teddy x Maple

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Teddy x Maple
Think Twice Viking
Think Twice Voodoo
Tawnyhill Iwan
SE VCH Tawnyhill Marley
SE VCH Tawnyhill Marley
Tawnyhill Isla
Kessgold Shetland of Staverton
Kessgold magic
Kessgold Aran
Froglane Marksman of Dunburgh
Froglane Ben
Froglane Bertie
Froglane Tully
Kessgold Sorrel
Kessgold Chicory
Kessgold Tamarisk
Kessgold Thistle
Kessgold Ladys Smock
Tawnyhill Molly
Tawnyhill Crumble
Carishill Malvolio Of Tawnyhill
Carishill Regan
Carishill Iago
Carishill Loki at Bamboozle
Carishill Apollo
Carishill Portia
Tawnyhill Hattie
Tawnyhill Hope
Tawnyhill Haley
Tawnyhill Honey
FTW Think Twice Beyond The Shadow Of A Doubt
Think Twice Behind The Enemy Lines
Vice ICC2014 Winner, INT FT CH, IT FT CH The Road Runner
FtCh Pixie Dixie and Jinks the Cat
Think Twice Amarcord
Think Twice Absolute Beginners
Perils of penelope pitstop
Ft Winner Kenmillix Seasonal Spirit
Royal Crest Gold-n Last Shot
Royal Crest Gold-n Lastsamurai
Think Twice Someday Somewhere Somehow
IT FT Ch Think Twice Some Other Time
ItFtCh Think Twice Something More for Redhoney
Think Twice Something Special
Think Twice Something or Other
Think Twice Something In The Way
Int.FTCH It.FTCH Birdsgreen Simply Flint
Birdsgreen Simply Marble of Sampsford
Birdsgreen Simply Granite
Birdsgreen Simply Clay of Tawnyhill
IntFtCh ItFtCh ITChampionshipWinner Think Twice Go Get It
Think Twice George Gershwin
TrFr Think Twice Ginger Tam's Bella Coola

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