
Golden Retriever

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Romida's Z-Wurf

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Romida's Z-Wurf
Swiss Junior Champion, Swiss Ausstellungs-Champion Romida's Unique Beautiful Boy
DE Ch, DK UCh, NL Ch. Dutch Consolidation Spy vs Spy
Dutch Consolidation Cloud Control
Dutch Consolidation Rose Tattoo
MBISS RuBISS Aust Ch. Goldew Southern Son
Aust Ch Goldew Mamma Mia
JCh, NL Ch. Dutch Consolidation Nothing Else
Lux. Jun. Ch. Dutch Consolidation What Else
Ch Dutch Consolidation After All
Dutch Consolidation Never Ends
Swiss Junior Champion, Swiss Ausstellungs-Champion, Swiss Sch?nheits-Champion, RCS Club Champion Non-Stop Tinker Bell
ICH Non-Stop Twenty Five Miles
Non-Stop Turquoise
Non-Stop Tulip
Non-Stop Thomas the Tank Engine
Non-Stop Tobacco Road
Non-Stop P.Newman
Non-Stop Pink Panther
Int'l CH Non-Stop Peace & Love
JCh Russia, JClub Ch,Ch Russia Non-Stop Pink Floyd
Non-Stop Peter Pan
ROJCH, MD CH JCW Non-Stop Please Believe Me
IntCHJu.A Non-Stop Penny Lane
Non-Stop Pulp Fiction
Non-Stop Koffee Latte
Non-Stop Krispy Kream
Non-Stop Kiss of Glory
Non-Stop Kit-Kat
Inter Show Champion Kaz.JCh Non-Stop Kelly's Heroes
Non-Stop Know How
Non-Stop Kind Regards
Non-Stop Keep Cool
HsCH, SrbCH Non-Stop Kodak Gold
Romida's Xanadu
Romida's X-Tra Cool Man
Romida's X-Perience Imani
It/Int Sh Ch. Olvinglay To The Moon And Back
International Champion, Maltese Champion, Maltese Junior Champion Olvinglay Venus Amor
It Ch. Olvinglay Truly Madly Deeply
Olvinglay Bartender
Ita Ch. Olvinglay Love Love Love At Shiva's
JWW-15, IT.CH, C.I.E, JR. IT CH,TOP DOG 2016,JR. TOP DOG 2015 Verano de Atrapasuenos
Dama de Atrapasuenos
Fantasma de Atrapasue?os
Nymeria de Atrapasue?os
GR.SH.CH, GR JCH Peludo de Atrapasue?os
It, Int, UK Sh.Ch. Primavera In Anticipo Della Val d'Aveto
Bellissimo Cosi Della Val d'Aveto
Vivimi Della Val d'Aveto
Incancellabile della Val d?Aveto
Tra Te E Il Mare Della Val D'Aveto
Multi Jch., Swiss Jch. ILSO Jch., Croatien Jch. Golden Go-Getters Glamour Girl
Golden Go-Getters Give me a chance
Golden Go-Getters Glory of Love
EE JCH Golden Go-Getters Goldrush
Golden Go-Getters Girella Girovino
Golden Go-Getters Glory Love
DK CH (U) Summeramba Last Orders
Summeramba Top It Up
CanCH Summeramba One For The Road WC CD RA CGN
Int.CH. Cyp Multi CH, Bosni/Hercegovini CH. VDH CH, Swiss CH, Ramchaine Silvery Moon
Int.CH., Swedish & Dutch VDH& German CH Ramchaine Moonbeam 2 x UK RCCs
Ramchaine Eclipse Of The Moon

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