
Golden Retriever

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Clearvu's Spring Fling

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Clearvu's Spring Fling
AmCH Clearvu's Lost Tribe
BOSS GCHB CH FoxRun's Ready, Aim, Fire BN, RN, TKN, CGCA, OS
GCh FoxRun's Snap, Crackle, Pop! RN, CGC
FoxRun's Wind, Willow & Whispers
Am./Can. Ch. Comstock Intelligent Design TD WC VC OS
Comstock's Wyndcliffe Sapphire CGC, CCA
Comstock Honora's Anam Cara RE JH AX AXJ XF WC CCA VC
Am. CH OTCH CT; Can. CH Highmark Mirasol Once A Knight VCD4 UDX3 JH MX MXJ WC VCX OS SDHF OBHF
Highmark A Rose In Winter
Highmark Dragonfly In Amber
Highmarks Knight To Remember
Highmarks Miss Daisy
Highmarks Shooby
Ch Comstock's Fire Opal
Comstock's Cool Cullen
Foxrun's Witchy Woman
Am CH FoxRun's She'll Put A Spell On U RN, JH, VC
CH Hillock's Bugsy Siegel OS
Hillock's Jam Session
Hillock's Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz UD BN RAE MX MXJ OF SCN SIN SBN CCA
Hillock's Pretty Boy Floyd
CH Hillock's Gone Phishin NA, OAJ, BISS
GDBIS, AmCH, U-CH FoxRun's Simply Irresist-A-Ball CD RN JH TKN WC VC CGC, HIT
Foxrun's U Quack Me Up CDX, RE
U-Ch. FoxRun Out Of The Ballpark RN JH CCA BISS CGC
Clearvu's Last Of A Legend
AmCH Harmony's Take Five
Harmony Bowbells 1 Good Riesen
Am GCH - Can CH Harmony's Candy Apple
Am Can CH Harmony's After Eight OD
GCH CH Confetti Gangway's Field N'Track OS
Am/Can Ch. Confetti's Sex 'N The City
Ch. Confetti No Spin Zone
BISS Am CH Confetti Spin Cycle OD
CH. Confetti Gangway Xspinsive Toy OD
CH. Confetti X-Spinsive Habit
Ch. Confetti Hytree Xspinsivetaste
Am/Can CH Confetti Hytree Guns N Roses
Am CH Confetti's Lucky-N-Love
Confetti Hytree What The Heck
Ch. Confetti Dine N Dash OD
Can CH. Creeksidefrm's Candy Land
Creeksidefrm's Spin The Bottle
Creeksidefrm's Treasure Seeker
Clearvu's Sandy Dune
BIS BISS Am. CH Nautilus Diamond As Big As The Ritz OS SDHF
Nautilus Kiss From A Rose
BISS CH Nautilus Lord of The Rings SDHF
Am CH Nautilus Paris Hilton
CH Nautilus Cherry Bomb
Am CH. Nautilus Purple Rain OD
BIS BISS CH Nautilus Purple Passion SDHF, OS
Nautilus Nikki Hilton
Nautilus Tsuwa Colorme Purpl
Nautilus Your Cheatin Heart
Nautilus Tease The Boys OD
Am CH Nautilus Valentines Deep Purple
Gosling's Shall We Dance At Rensselaer
Gosling's Isn't She Lovely
Gosling's Jack Of All Trades

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