
Golden Retriever

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Think Twice Typhoon

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Think Twice Typhoon
Think Twice Tornado
Think Twice Tsarina
Think Twice Tsunami
Athollridge Gael
Athollridge Wild Flower At Roanlodge
Athollridge Caledonia
Kessgold magic
Kessgold Shetland of Staverton
Kessgold Aran
Froglane Marksman of Dunburgh
Froglane Ben
Froglane Bertie
Froglane Tully
Kessgold Sorrel
Kessgold Chicory
Kessgold Tamarisk
Kessgold Thistle
Kessgold Ladys Smock
Fallowfen Avon at Athollridge
Fallowfen Water Of Leith
Fallowfen Faithful Isla
Fallowfen Faithful Tweed
Soinneanta Capercaillie Of Fallowfen
Soinneanta Cariad Of Ridersfort
Soinneanta Harvest Moon
Soinneanta Amber Equinox
Soinneanta Poozy Nancy
Soinneanta Salmonds Leap
Soinneanta Thandeka
Ardyle Mazurka
Ardyle Csardas Of Eskylane
Think Twice Knockin'on Heaven's Door
Think Twice Knickerbockers
Think Twice KFC
FTW Think Twice Kindred Spirit
OFTW Echobrook Dexster
Echobrook Baxster
Echobrook Blaize
Echobrook Gem of Hanechdene
Echobrook Katie
Echobrook Little Annie
Echobrook Little Rosie
Echobrook Maddie
FTW Birdsgreen Stormbreak over Millgreen
Birdsgreen Romantic Ronald at Tealcreek
FTW Birdsgreen Amazing Agatha of Holywear
Birdsgreen Spring Mist Of Clancallum
Birdsgreen Summer Breeze
Birdsgreen Cloudy Boy
Birdsgreen Secret Sybil of Castlemans
Birdsgreen Pampered Gale
Birdsgreen Pampered Gale At Tealcreek
Birdsgreen Lovely Lilliann of Blanerob
Birdsgreen Shining Sidney of Tofts
Shot Wood Lettie
FTW Woodash Sparkling Diamond
Alderash Twist
FtCh Pixie Dixie and Jinks the Cat
Think Twice Amarcord
Think Twice Absolute Beginners
Vice ICC2014 Winner, INT FT CH, IT FT CH The Road Runner
Perils of penelope pitstop
Ft Winner Kenmillix Seasonal Spirit
Royal Crest Gold-n Last Shot
Royal Crest Gold-n Lastsamurai

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