
Golden Retriever

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Goldenwind Dub Nation

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Goldenwind Dub Nation
Goldenwind Splash Brothers
AM CH. Mattiaci Truth Be Gold
Mattiaci Sapphire So Good
Mattiaci's Fearca Ra CGCU CGCA
GCHB CH. Mattiaci Shall I Compare Thee CGC BN RN OS
IntCH Mattiaci's Shall We Dance?
Mattiaci Sir Charles Xavier Masztalics the First
AM CH. Mattiaci Shall We Tanqueray
GCH CH, Can CH SweetGold Safari
SweetGold's Savanna
SweetGold Sahara
CH SweetGold Mirage
Mattiaci Attitude With Altitude
AM CH. Mattiaci Speed Was A Factor TDI
Int. Ch. Mattiaci Off Two C the Wizard CD, CGC
Mattiaci Eazy Two Remember The Hop
AM CH. Mattiaci Aerials In The Sky
Mattiaci Maddie B Good
Mattiaci Bob Hope Classic
CHI. Ch. Mattiaci Luca Of Lando
Keelan's Dixie Belle
Mattiaci Lowland Games
Mattiaci How Low Can You Go CGC RN
Mattiaci Get Lowell
Goldenwind Pepsi Cola
Goldenwind Sierra Mist
Chien d'Or's Karbon Kopy
Chien D'Or's Legends Top Secret
U-GRCH Chien D'or's Cosmopolitan Lady
Chien D'or's Chariot of Gold
Chien D'Or's Mirror Image
Chien D'Or's Lily Love O'Emerald
Am/Can CH GFA's Love Makes the World Go Round
GFA's Our Faith Reaches Him
TH.CH GFA's Grace Will Carry You
GFA Love Honor and Obey
AmCH Chien D'Or's Sweet Moonlily
Chien d'Or's Sweet Scarlett Moon
Goldenwind The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
BIS CH Morningstar Must Be Dreaming OS SDHF
INT. CH Copperfields Bear N With Me
Seasons Golden Paisley
UKC CH & AKC CH Dogwoods Morning Star Miracle
IntCH Seasons Golden Devine Quincy
Seasons Golden Elegance
Goldenwind Truth Or Consequences
Goldenwind Scouting For Evidence
Goldenwind Truth Or Dare

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