
Golden Retriever

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Intl Ch Marshall Hill's A Whole New World

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Intl Ch Marshall Hill's A Whole New World
GCH Ch & IntCH Mtn. View's Justice Is Served CD BN RI CGC TKI FITS
Can GCH Mtn. View's She Is A Keeper CCA
Mtn View's Kissed By An Angel
Mtn. View's Whiskey Lullaby
Mtn. View's Scarlett Rose
Mtn View's Sidekick
Mtn. View's He Is My Hiro
Mtn. View's Golden Eye of the Hawk
Mtn. View's Pumpkin King
RBIS BISS GCHS CH Summits Front Page News SDHF
AmCH CanGCH Summits Chandler Bing
BR.Ch Goldentrip Summit Rain Forest
Goldentrip Summit Victoria's Secret
Goldentrip Summit Victoria's Legend
Am CH Summits Goldentripinthelineofduty OS
Goldentrip Summitstotheempire
Br. CH Summits Golden Trip To The Top
Am. CH Summits Goldentrip Fully Loaded
Am CH KOR CH Summits Goldentrip In The Know
Am CH Goldentrip Gemini's Abbeyroad
CH Summits Glenloch Pale Rider
Am. CH Summitsgoldentrip U Know It
BIS Am./Br./Arg./Arg.Gr. CH. Golden Trip Snow Dream OD SDHF
Golden Trip Snow Flower
Br. Ch, Gran.Br.Ch Golden Trip's Sun Rays in the Sky
Int/NatJR Ch. Mtn. View's This Girl Is On Fire OD
Mtn. View's Rock N Roll Remington
Am Ch. HnrCH. Nat'l Ch. Int'l Ch. NatlBa Ch. Mtn View's What's The Rush CGC
Mtn. View's Tazer
GCH CH Goodtime's Star Attraction OS
GCH Goodtime's Star Chaser
Goodtime's Shining Star
Int/Nat/Ehren Ch. Woodcreek's Viva Las Vegas RN CGC
Woodcreek's Lady of Jackson Hole
Int'l Ch. Marshall Hill's Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway
Daisy Sabben
Woodcreek's From Paris With Love
Int'l CH Doubletakes Island Of Java
DoubleTakes Good Till The Last Drop CGC TKP
DoubleTakes Bean Me UP
DoubleTakes Hit Me With Your Best Shot
DoubleTakes Cafe Au Lait
DoubleTakes A Little Bailey In My Coffee
DoubleTakes Espresso Your Self
Doubletake N Ransom Creeks Cuppa Joe
Am/Can/Int'l/Vet Ch Valor's No Biz Like Show Biz BOSS MVBIS
Valor's Mister October TD RN
Multi BISS Am./Can. CH. Valor's Ultimate Star BPISS SDHF
Valor's For Love of the Game CDX RE AX AXJ NP NF
Valor's Rusty Riordan's Slammer
IntCH DoubleTake's Sailin Ta England CCA CGC
Hayley XIII
Doubletake's Rooster Cogburn
Rudy Goldenboy Koenig
Doubletake's McClintock CGC
Doubletake's ChipenDale
Intl. Ch. Doubletakes SmoothNbold Blend
Marshall Hill's September Sky
Molly B Of Marshall Hills
Mtn. View's Stars And Stripes
Mtn. View Vegas Leading Lady
Mtn View's Osborne Drake Hastings
Mtn View Koda
Mtn View's Rollin' In My Bentley
Mtn View's Vegas Show Girl
Penny-Annie Of Marshall Hills
She's Soarin' Over High Waters
Marshall Hill's Easy Ryder
Can CH Woodcreek'Shundredacrefriend WCX
Woodcreek's Magical One

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