
Golden Retriever

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CIB, JCH UA, JGrand CH UA, CH UA, CH HU, CH MOL, CH RO, CH BES, GrChMOL, CH UKU, BBB Terra Di Siena Shining Winter TopBOB'20, GrandCHUA, SuperGrChUA

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

CIB, JCH UA, JGrand CH UA, CH UA, CH HU, CH MOL, CH RO, CH BES, GrChMOL, CH UKU, BBB Terra Di Siena Shining Winter TopBOB'20, GrandCHUA, SuperGrChUA
IntCh (C.I.B), ShowCh, ChPrRus, ChRus, ChClub, GrandChRus, 6хChRKF, JChRus, 2хJChRKF, 3xBISS Terra di Siena Love Me Forever
Trialer.Ch.CIB.CIE.Ch.Spain Ch.France. Ch.Gbz Terra Di Siena Lilith La Luna Nera Crufts CC. BOS.2022
Tamniarn Johnny Jump Up to Meiepere
Tamniarn Dizzy Daisy
Tamniarn Forget Me Not Sandaula JW ShCM
Tamniarn Pepper Pot
Tamniarn Cheeky Cherry
Eng Sh Ch, CIB, CIE, Ee/Fi/Lv/Ltu/Balt Ch, Ee/Lv JCh Linirgor Pied Piper At Meiepere V-WW'14, Balt W'15'17, Ee JW'13
Linirgor Paddington
Linirgor Practical Magic At Leacnasaide
Linirgor Playtime
Linirgor Paige Turner Avec Miadahl
SU (u) Ch Floprym Rivaldo
SE U(U)CH Floprym R Pea Nut
UK Sh Ch Linirgor Braidwynn Je T'Aime JW
Braidwynn Jaunty
Eng Ch Tamniarn Sybil SGWC
Tamniarn Miss Tibbs
Tamniarn Miss Gatsby
Tamniarn Basil
Tamniarn Major Gowen
Tamniarn Arthur
Tamniarn Lurphy
Tamniarn Colonel Hall
Eng. SH. CH. Chlodyl Rodney JW
Chlodyl Cassandra
Lawpark Jazz Singer at Tamniarn
Lawpark Jethro
Lawpark Jolly Girl
PT CH GBZ.CH. Terra Di Siena Sunrise Sunrise
SEU(u)CH GI CH GBZ CH, GBZ/BEL JCH Stanroph Si Maximillion de Terra di Siena
SE U(u) Ch Terra Di Siena Bono Beach
SPA JCH Terra di Siena Rigel Dinamita
Eng. CH. Stanroph Squadron Leader
Stanroph Secret Finale
Stanroph Secret Promise
Stanroph Secret Fantasy of Pamgavin
Int. CH. & FT. CH. Stanroph Standing Ovation
Eng. SH. CH. Steval Mickey Finn At Ivycrest
Steval Encore
Can. CH. Steval Semitone
Steval Shoe String
Steval Spinet Of Millwater
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW
Stanroph Shades Of Time At Alibren
Stanroph Silent Hero
Stanroph Step to Stardom at Amirene
Int. Ch. F. Ch. Stanroph Star Of Chivas
Stanroph Spanish Eyes
Stanroph Matador
Stanroph Spanish Rhapsody
Stanroph Spanish Solstice
Stanroph Sailing to Terra di Siena
Eng. Sh. Ch. Stanroph So It Had To Be KCJW
LUX JCH Stanroph So It's a Miracle
Stanroph So Its A Mirage to Hollygold
Can. Ch. Stanroph So Its Wonderful
Stanroph Sparkling Eyes
BIS VFC 04 Stanroph Sparkling Sky

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