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Full siblings of Frisbies Cutter D'Mioaks *** (4/24/1992-)
(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database which have the same sire and dam as this dog. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)
Mioak's Rio Grande SH (4/24/1992-) [OFA GR-44870G24M]
HR Mioak's Field Rocket CDX SH CGC TDI WCX; CanCD, WC (10/13/1993-11/4/2008)
Mioak's Quantum Leap Ziggy SH (4/24/1992-) [OFA GR-45258G25M]
Mioaks Topbrass Teton (4/24/1992-) [OFA GR-45695G26M]
Mioak Pekay's First In Line SH (4/24/1992-) [OFA GR-48034G34M]
Mioak's Colorado Gunner (10/13/1993-) [OFA GR-51213F27M]
Mioak's Terraqua Banner Day JH WC (10/13/1993-3/30/1998)
Mioak's Awesome Alice (4/24/1992-) [OFA GR-44830G24F]
Mioak's Blazing Sun (4/24/1992-) [OFA GR-45156F24F]
Mioak's Katie Bar the Door CDX JH (10/13/1993-) [OFA GR-51787G28F]
Mioak's Sweetwater Abby SH (10/13/1993-) [OFA GR-50629G24F]