Rus Ch Goodquite Glow of Sunrise  (11/25/2003-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Russia
Breeder:Andrei Vinogradov
Hip clearance:A


Rus Ch Goodquite Glow of Sunrise
Bubbling Picasso
EngCH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway
Charway Uncle Tom
Sh Ch Cambremer All That Jazz
Bubbling Claire De Lune
LU CH NL CH Lejie Royal Mail
FIN Ch Loresho Oystercatcher
Ch Goodquite's Nice
CH INTER Strongline's Comrade
NO V-11 SE V-98 EE CH FI MVA Tawastway's Fooling Around WW-98
FI UCH Strongline's Just Illusion
MultiCh, IntCh, ChRus, Bye, Est, Fin, Ua Strongline's Keep Smiling
ChFin Upwards Alfonso
FI UCH INT UCH Strongline's Ever Known