Sesam aus Lühlsbusch  (10/8/2000-12/12/2009)

Call name:"Sam"
Country of origin:Germany
Registration:FCI LCD 00/G 0811
Breeder:Dres. Kraft
Owner:Dres. Kraft
Hip clearance:A2
Eye clearance:clear, may 2009
Elbow clearance:0/0
PRA status:Clear (Optigen)


Sesam aus Lühlsbusch
FTW Augustus Tuplady of Leospring
Leospring Mars Marine
Pluto of Abbotsleigh
Buttash Pollyflinders of Leospring
Tasoner Total Eclipse
Trioaks Brook
Jasmine Highlander
Nessie aus Lühlsbusch
Southland's Savvy
FC AFC MHR Westwind's Bold Tiger NDC
Southland Black-Eyed Susan
Anna von der Femeiche
Dt. Ch./Int. Ch./VDH-Ch. Lawnwoods Wish Me Luck WT BHP BLP JEP Btr F.T
Milly aus Lühlsbusch