Ag-Golden Age Terremoto de Cartier  (8/14/2007-)

Call name:"Terremoto"
Country of origin:Other
Registration:Other Loc 51084
Breeder:Adriana Gait?n
Owner:Mauricio Rend?n y Adriana Gait?n


Ag-Golden Age Terremoto de Cartier
WW'06, Am CH/ Col CH&GCH/ Arg CH&GCH. Ag-Golden Age Diamond Intican OS SDHF
Ch. Col. Mex. Pe.Ecu.Int. Multi BIS. Golden Age Gorca's Cristobal Colon
Ven CH. Allegro Gorca's One Way
Gorca's Murder She Wrote
Ch.Ec./Ch.Col./VJAC Just Do It D'Euramerika
PeCh. EcuCh. Allegro's Faera D'Euramerika
EcuCh. ColCh. GCR.PR. Faera-Tainsh Rumor Has It
Ag Golden Age Pat Phillips
BIS Ch Ven. Lat. Int. Lib. Jov. Venc. Sicalam Gorca's Taste T' Magic Of M&M's
Am Kor Tw CH Gorca's Maximus Gladiator OS
BISS Am./Ven. Ch. Sandpipers Gorca's Magic OD
Nambija's Milky Way
Ch. Col. Mex. Pe.Ecu.Int. Multi BIS. Golden Age Gorca's Cristobal Colon
Ec CH. Touchstones Heart of Nambija