Derafew Of Cottage Grove  (8/25/2004-)

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Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR29412605
Owner:Glenda Smith
Hip clearance:OFA GR-91487G27F-PI
Elbow clearance:OFA GR-EL14838F27-PI


Derafew Of Cottage Grove
Duke Remington Cook
Noblewood Millers Majic Gold
Am-Can Ch Tempo's Schoolhouse Rock Can SDHF
Allenridge A Whistling Dixie
Millerwood's Gold Mine
Kanosak Millerwoods Treasure
Millerwood's Gold Dust
Alexia Wilkie Missersmith
Aaron's Mookie Malcolm Wells
Willow Hill Joshua's Buck
Willow Hill Snowflake
Willow Hill Violet
Willow Hill Joshua's Buck
Will Hill Maggie Mae