Bosman Złoto Marty  (8/31/2004-11/18/2012)

Call name:"Bosman"
Country of origin:Poland
Registration:Other PKR.VIII-15378
Breeder:Marta Bugajska
Owner:Anna Stępień
Heart clearance:Clear
Cause of death:Chronic kidney disease after chemotherapy/ cancer


Bosman Złoto Marty
CH.PL. Aristo Zlota Oaza
Mł.Ch.Pl., Ch.Pl., ZWW Galans ETALON
CH INTER Jackralee Onyx of Galans
EW'00, ICH Galans Ciroka
Chelsea Fabryka Championow
JOE'S StandBy
Issadora Lassie
Complement Bandola
Pl. Ch. Complement Uno Voce
Pl.Ch. Shanlimore Fabian Pol. SG -93-95
Kapplandet's Chateau de Cruzeau
Complement Bawarka
Complement DON DONALDO
Qajun Europa