Powderhorn Too Legit 2 Quit  (11/9/2021-)

Call name:"Billie Jean"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SS30229401
Breeder:Krista Mosby
Owner:Cindy Price
Hip clearance:OFA GR-143891G24F-P-VPI
Eye clearance:OFA GR-EYE33437/24F-VPI (12/23)
Heart clearance:OFA GR-BCA9296/24F/C-VPI
Elbow clearance:OFA GR-EL63653F24-P-VPI


Powderhorn Too Legit 2 Quit
GCH Starrise N Powderhorn Not My First Rodeo JH WC CGC TKN BCAT OS
Multi BISS GCHS Passion N Powderhorn Only Game In Town BVSS CD JH VC RN WC DJ CGC TKA CA OS SDHF
Multi BIS BISS Am GCHS CH Summits The Titanic OS SDHF
GCH CH Passion's Natural Woman UD JH WC VCX OD
CH Starrise Zelda OD
BISS GCH Shyan's Let Freedom Ring SDHF
Starrise Ravello Royale
Can GCH Goodlife's Driving Miss Daisy TKI CGCU CGCA CCA BISS
MBOSS GCHS, Can GCH Goodlife's Duff The Magic Dragon BN, DS, MBISS, SDHF
Multi BIS Am.CH Owling's Designed By Signature SDHF OS
Goodlife's Who Dozen Love Lucy?
Goodlife's How Deep Is Your Love? BN
GCH Harborview Under Construction OS
BIS Puppy GCH CH Goodlife's Celebrate Independence CD, RN, BN,