
Golden Retriever

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Am. CH. Sun Dance's Bronze CD OS  (1/5/1957-2/7/1970)

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Call name:
Honorifics:2 x National specialty winner
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:USA
Registration:AKC S854854 (7-60)
Breeder:Alice & William Worley
Owner:Opal Horton
Image linked by:Lesley Albin [Click to edit image]


Am. CH. Sun Dance's Bronze CD OS
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF
Am. CH. Rocky Of Holland Farm
AmCH Rockhaven Rio
Am./Can. CH. Rockhaven Regina OD
Indian Knoll's Misty
Am. CH. Golden Knoll's Shur Shot CD OS SDHF
Am. CH. Roxleigh Honey Moon
Sidram's Kapering Korky CD OD
Sidram Shortstop
Am. Dual CH. AFC Squawkie Hill Dapper Dexter DDHF FDHF
Howe's Peggy ***
Sidram Sawanee
Am. CH. Major Golden Boy CD
Sidram Sandusky CD **

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