
Golden Retriever

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Sir Boomer JR. Of Kilker Ridge  (4/21/2002-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:AKC SN93188101
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Sir Boomer JR. Of Kilker Ridge
Boomer Of Canyon Crossing
Harrison's Shadow
Sir Jacob Geronimo
Duchess of Pentoak Farm
Chloe Katarina BenBoomer Wilson
Cletis Zabdi Benboomer
Katarina Zahab Deelpidos
Kookie Of Canyon Crossing
Sir Odin Keith Of Hatley RD
Benjamin Sungold
Anderson's Queen Loo Loo
Daisy Mae Of Rocking K
Anderson's Rusty Spike
Josie Gold of Robin Ridge

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