K9data.comLabrador Retriever

GCHB CH Quail Chase Broadway Joe Windfall  (12/22/2007-3/13/2020)

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Call name:"Joey"
Miscellaneous:LR-DL574/88M-PI DD NORMAL/CLEAR
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:AKC SR47571508
Breeder:Quail Chase
Owner:Duke and Tina Donahue
Web site:http://www.quailchaselabradors.com/
Hip clearance:OFA LR-185831F26M-VPI Fair
Eye clearance:CERF LR-54640/2012-55
Heart clearance:OFA LR-CA5724/50M/C-VPI-ECHO
Elbow clearance:OFA LR-EL46221M25-VPI Normal
Dentition clearance:Full
prcd-PRA status:Optigen Carrier
EIC status:Clear
CNM status:Clear
Image linked by:Tina Donahue [Click to edit image]


GCHB CH Quail Chase Broadway Joe Windfall
Liberty's Broad Ridge TDI
AmCH Caven's Coca-Mo Brute
AmCH Lindall A'Bit Of The Action
Ceasarscreek's Cassandra
Hunt Club Miss Corey CD,WCI,WC,CGC
BOSS Am.Can.CH Borador Willcare Master Copy CD JH WC
Hunt Club Chocolate Eclaire
Dune Dancer's Windfall Margarita CGC
AmCH Stonecrest's Davy Crockett WC
Stonecrest's Lucky Star
Chablais Madelyn of Stonecrest WC
Windfall's Mardi-Gras Merengue
Can.Ch. Banners St. Nick at Easthill
Windfall's Rhumba

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