
Golden Retriever

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Can CH GMOTCH GMH Zaniri's Piece By Piece Can MH WCX RM VCX OS; Am UD WCX** CCA VC OS  (6/26/2008-10/8/2022)

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Call name:"Puzzle"
Additional titles:GRCC Versatility and Obedience Hall of Fame,GRCC Nan Gordon trophy winner
Honorifics:200 Score (2) ,Multi HIT(37) 4th in GRCA Nat Qual; AM/CAN Outstanding Sire,100%owner train/handled
Miscellaneous:Weight 69 lbs. 22 3/4?. ICT 2 clear/normal Paw Print
Country of origin:Canada
Country of residence:Canada
State of residence:AB
Registration:CKC UL251428
Breeder:Joanne & Laureen Kinney & Lynne Dowling
Owner:Leanne Tucker
Microchip/Tattoo #AKC SR54920401
Web site:https://www.tuckergoldens.com/rainbow-bridge-puzzle
CHIC Number:66523
Hip clearance:OFA GR-101266F24M-VPI
Eye clearance:OFA GR-EYE1773/168M-VPI (July 2022)
Heart clearance:OFA GR-CA17173/16M/C-PI-ECHO
Elbow clearance:OFA GR-EL22640M24-VPI
Thyroid clearance:OFA GR-TH1969/31M-VPI
Dentition clearance:2 extra pre molars
prcd-PRA status:Optigen 10-7696 Clear
PRA1 status:Optigen 10-7696 Clear
PRA2 status:Optigen 10-7696 Clear
Ichthyosis status:Optigen 10-7696 Clear
NCL status:Clear 91046 University of Missouri
Cause of death:Acute peritonitis
Image linked by:Leanne Tucker [Click to edit image]


Can CH GMOTCH GMH Zaniri's Piece By Piece Can MH WCX RM VCX OS; Am UD WCX** CCA VC OS
Am. CH ; U-CH U-CD HR Deauxquest Hard Day's Knight UDT VER RAE MH WCX CCA VCM OS DDHF ; Can. CD WC
Am. CH OTCH CT; Can. CH Highmark Mirasol Once A Knight VCD4 UDX3 JH MX MXJ WC VCX OS SDHF OBHF
AM/MEX/AMS/WC CH Sheffield-Ducat's Spellbound SDHF, OS
Highmarks Pecos River Queen
SHR Deauxquest Mavica Pic UD JH AX AXJ WCX CGC OD
Am. CH Quillmark Causing An Uproar UD JH WCX VCX OS
HRCH Morninglo Pic Of The Glitter UD SH NA WCX
Zaniri's Ready Aim Fire Can CDX WCX MH Am JH WCX OD
HRCH Morninglo's Top Gun CDX MH NA RN WCX CGC OS
Am. CH Elysian Sky Hi Dubl Exposure UDT MH ** WCX VCX DDHF OS
OTCh Colabaugh's Morninglo Breeze UDX MH NA WCX CGC OD PAC
UH HR Maplebears Red Alert at Zaniri Can CDX WCX MH Am WCX
FTCH AFTCH Cedarpond's R.V. Am *** OS Can. FDHF
Can CH Zaniri's Calypso Gold WC Can WCI JH CD CGC

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