
Golden Retriever

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Rookie x Peggie Sue

(test breeding entered 11/2024)


Rookie x Peggie Sue
GCH CH Elkcreek First Round Draft Pick DJ
BISS Am GCH Can. CH Amica Beyond the Horizon DS BPISS BOSS
BISS Am Can CH CastleRock Let It Be Am Can OS
BIS GCHB CH Amica's Journey Nothing Comes Close OAP OJP DN SDHF OD
GCH CH Quailwood Royal Maid of Honor CD RN BN OD
Am GCH CH Quailwood Mountain Odessey OS
Quailwood Always A Royal
CH Arkgold Magic Pegasus With Grace CGC, TKN, RN,FITB, DN, SDHF
Am GCH Captivate's Feels Like The First Time CD RA DN
MBISS GCHS Sandpiper's Pursuit Of Happiness SDHF, OS, BISS
Am CH Captivate's Too Hot To Handle BPISS, OD
Gold-Rush Gal With A Heart Of Gold
GCHB CH Gold-Rush Troubadour SDHF
Gold-Rush Alice In Wonderland

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