
Golden Retriever

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The Golden Choice Willow Moon  (5/19/2021-)

Call name:"Willow"
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:USA
State of residence:WI
Registration:AKC SS27290501
Breeder:Le Ann Baumgartner
Owner:Judith Essmann
Microchip/Tattoo #932002000662692
Web site:www.thegoldenchoice.com
Heart clearance:OFA GR-BCA5503/16F/P-VPI
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


The Golden Choice Willow Moon
Odyssues (SR94040903)
Navilis Connecting People
C.I.E.,C.I.B.,JCh UA,MOL,BG,MAC,RUS, SuperGrChUA Todes iz Sokolinogo Gnezda Ch MOL,UA,BIR,BG,RUS,MAC,GrCh BIR, BG, MOL, RUS
JCH UA, CH UA, CH RUS Zhanna Avrora Borelis/Zhanna Aurora Borelis
Arkgold Every Day Is Sunny
CH Bul,Mac,Mont Rom. Ch Srb. Ch Tramin Another Day In Paradise
RO, SRB JCH Thevenet Quizas Ma?ana Sea Tarde
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Grams Royal Rudy
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