
Golden Retriever

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Haydengold Whisper Secrets  (6/15/2022-)

Call name:"Whisper "
Country of origin:United Kingdom
Country of residence:United Kingdom
Breeder:Lesley List
Owner:Fiona Smithies
prcd-PRA status:Clear by parentage
PRA1 status:Clear by parentage
PRA2 status:Clear by parentage
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Haydengold Whisper Secrets
Berrymeade Moscow Mule
DUTCH & DRC Club Champion & VDH Ch. & CIE Melgowd Dangerously in Love Belgian Winner '18+ Benelux Winner'19+ HerbstSieger '19+'22 & Bundessieger '22
ENG CH, NL CH Dutchtab van de Beerse Hoeve NJK'15, BJK'15, Hopprins 2015, Bundessieger'15
Dutch Ch. VDH Ch. GRC Club Ch. Zampanzar Zsa Zsa Zsu Spring Winner'19 & Bundessieger'22
Berrymeade Empire State
Sh Ch Billy Elliot de Ria Vela JW
UK Ch, Pl Ch Rathcloon Hunter in Pink for Berrymeade SGWC
Haydengold Say It With Love JW
Eng.Sh.Ch. , Lux. Ch. Zampanzar Say It Again Shardanell JW
Eng.Sh.Ch Shardanell Castaspell JW
SPA CH, PT CH Zampanzar Sky At Night
Aust Ch. Haydengold Generous Love (AI)
BISS, Aust Supreme Ch Fantango Wild Oats
Goldfleece Just Timeless

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