
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of Alubyc Scouts Honor (AI) (1/25/2019-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

By Aust Ch. Alubyc King Tide with Askaval:

Alubyc Kings Pride (8/30/2023-) [1:1]
Alubyc Kingsransom (8/30/2023-) [AVA 4/3:7]

By Alubyc Scot Free With Askaval:

Alubyc Skywalker with Askaval (3/24/2021-) [2:6]


Alubyc High Distinction With Askaval (AI) (10/19/2022-) [2:2]
Alubyc With Honours At Askaval (AI) (10/19/2022-) [2:4]
Alubyc Honourable Mention (AI) (10/19/2022-) [6/7;13]

By Aust Ch Emperosgold Step Aside Boys:

Alubyc Honour Bound (2020-) [3-3]

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