
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of LT, LV, EST, BALT JCH, LTCH Berenike Bravo October Holiday (10/25/2017-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

By LT, LV, EST, BALT JCH, LT, LV CH Voyager De Lar De Casanova:

Berenike Bravo Andromeda Dream (8/18/2024-)

By I'm Terra Antyda Harley Davidson 3 x EE CAC, 3xBOB, 3xBOS:

Berenike Bravo Evening Sky (6/20/2021-)

By Ch.PL-DK-LT, SE U(u)Ch., Rostock Winner'19, PL Club Winner'19, JCh.PL, PL Junior Club Winner'17 KALLE Rozmachany Ogon:

LTJCH, LTCH Berenike Bravo Korra Legend (11/8/2019-) [FCI A/A]

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