
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of Can. GCH. Hillock's L V The Truth AtGoldpaw (7/15/2017-7/14/2020)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

By CanGCH BBPIS. BPIS. Goldpaw Boldness Be My Friend:

Goldpaw Camping Out At Dreamstorie (7/14/2020-)
Goldpaw Camp Hair Don't Care (7/14/2020-)

By AmCH CanGCH Ind Ch. Hashgold's Santiago De Himmelstein MBIS BISS BOSS:

BIS RBIS Can.GChG Goldpaws Got Twenty Twenty Vision At Sunkozi SDHF OD (1/5/2020-) [OFA GR-136030F24F-P-VPI]
Can. CH. Goldpaw's Shine On You Crazy Decade (1/5/2020-) [OFA GR-136084F-P-VIP]

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