
Golden Retriever

Looking for a Golden Retriever puppy? Click here.

Offspring of NMH GMH OTCHX Taygold's Christie Teal MH (21)WCX QAA (8/13/2016-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

By Blueheron's Road Test:

Taygold's Le Beau Roi Soleil (3/14/2024-)
Taygold’s Rogue (3/14/2024-)
Taygold's Mighty Little One (3/14/2024-)
Taygold's Blue (3/14/2024-)

By NMH GMH Beaushiloh's Thunder Storm:

Taygold's Cago (1/11/2021-)
Taygold's Muskoka Explosion (1/11/2021-)
Taygold's Mitsi May (1/11/2021-)
Taygold's Hidden Gem (1/11/2021-)
Taygold's Stormy Skye (1/11/2021-)
Taygold's Sienna (1/11/2021-)
Taygold's Rudi (1/11/2021-)
Taygold Cherry Constabulary WCI SH (1/11/2021-)

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