
Golden Retriever

Looking for a Golden Retriever puppy? Click here.

Offspring of Zweeds Show Ch., NL JCh., Lux JCh.,BNL JW Lux, BNL JW NL, BNL J Ch, Dream Max Golden Eagle (4/27/2016-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Magic Sunrise of Aislynn Forest:

Namasté Dimas of Aislynn Forest (9/10/2023-)
Namasté Finlay of Aislynn Forest (9/10/2023-)
Namasté Kiran of Aislynn Forest (9/10/2023-)
Namasté Sandya of Aislynn Forest (9/10/2023-)
Namasté Ravi of Aislynn Forest (9/10/2023-)

Out of Only of Sweet Gypsie Rose(Sjokki):

Toppy of Sweet Gypsie Rose [FCI A]

Out of German and Belgian Junior Ch. Qoup De Foudre No Hills:

Tara the rising star nohills (3/6/2020-)

Out of Mathilda of the Hellacious Acres:

Ch Sequins Soroush (3/20/2018-) [A]
Sequins Sevda (3/20/2018-) [FCI A]

Out of PL JR CH, PL CH Sequins Sacy:

Qdore LADY IN RED (11/30/2017-) [A]
Qdore LOVE ME DO (11/30/2017-) [A]
Qdore LIGHT MY FIRE (11/30/2017-)
Qdore LET IT BE (11/30/2017-)
Qdore LORD OF THE RING (11/30/2017-)
Qdore LUCKY CHARM (11/30/2017-)

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