
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of PoeticGold I Named A Star For You Over KnottyPine TDI CGCA CGC (12/31/2015-8/20/2024)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of AM CH Pebwin Reverie SoothSayer CGC:

PoeticGold All You Need Is Love CGC (2/9/2017-)
PoeticGold Sunrise Over Higgins Beach (2/9/2017-)
PoeticGold Suspension Of Disbelief (2/9/2017-)
PoeticGold Eternal Sunshine Spotless Mind TDI CGCA CGC BPIS (2/9/2017-)
ALGCH, RACEN1, RO1 PoeticGolds To the Moon and Back CGC, CCA, RI, TKI, HRAT, HRDUN (2/9/2017-)
PoeticGold's Murphy Oil Soap THDA CGCA (2/9/2017-)

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