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Offspring of Jr CH PL KORA Adekatos Poland (FCI) (10/10/2012-)
(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)
By Jr Ch PL, SK, Jr Polish Winner, Ch PL Ha Ha Zidan Szczesliwy Slon:
MŁ.CH.PL, CH.PL, WINNER PL'18. CH.BUL. CEJLON GORDIUS Adekatos Poland (7/31/2017-) [HD-A]
CASSI Adekatos Poland (7/31/2017-) [A]
By Int. Sh. Ch. (C.I.E.) & PL Ch. WOLF Adekatos Poland:
By Jr Ch PL, Champion PL Akim Adekatos:
IABCA IntCH ICKC IntCH Luis Adekatos Poland (6/22/2014-) [OFA GR-117006F25M-VPI]
Lima Adekatos Poland (6/22/2014-)
Lamia Adekatos Poland (6/22/2014-)