
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of CAN CH Midas K C Moonduster (10/27/2008-1/13/2021)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Hunnydew's Foxy Party Favor O'Novel:

Hunnydew Kirby (12/11/2012-) [OFA GR-112442G24M-VPI]

Out of Hunnydew's Tequila Sunrise Party Favour:

Hunnydew's Stardust 'N White Lace (7/4/2013-) [OFA GR-113939F24F-VPI]
De Novo Jin (7/4/2013-)
Hunnydew Cascade Mountain Gunner Boy (10/15/2012-8/20/2024) [OFA GR-112043G24M-VPI]
Hunnydew Mountain Valley Farm's Just Ivan (7/4/2013-)

Out of Passion Inspiration Delayla:

Inspiration of Life von der schw?bischen Toskana (4/23/2015-)
Incredible Letty von der schw?bischen Toskana (4/23/2015-) [HD frei]
Irresistible Mia von der schw?bischen Toskana (4/23/2015-)

Out of Qwendy vom Hillersbachtal:

Alwin of Glencairn (7/24/2015-) [A1 / A1 (GRSK 29.07.16) HQ: 1,0]

Out of Cottingham's Jesse Jane:

Sky's Happy As A Lark (11/6/2012-) [OFA GR-114425G33F-VPI]
Cole B Jack (7/14/2011-)

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