K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Offspring of Am. CH Rozzay Hunt Club Clayview Grady (5/28/2002-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Blackrock Orange Blossom O'Sylvan:

Sylvan Meadows Black Rock Bramble (11/3/2005-) [OFA Good]
Sylvan Meadows Delta Dawn (3/26/2005-)

Out of Hunt Club Clayview Rumor Has It:

Hunt Club Clayview Chelsea (1/7/2004-) [OFA Good]

Out of Ceasarscreeks Ace Of Spades:

Ceasarscreek Diamond Flush at Ellsworth (8/24/2005-)
Ceasarscreek Five Card Studd CGC, TDI (8/24/2005-3/12/2018) [OFA LR-172726G25M-PI]

Out of Centre Court Silhouette:

Centre Court Jewel at CeasarsCreek (9/28/2008-)
Centre Court Illusion (3/29/2006-) [OFA Good]

Out of Swentina's Golden Aphrodite:

Swentina Chablais Sirius (8/2/2007-) [OFA LR-188627E34M-VPI]

Out of Shannon's Absolut Little Sister:

Shannon's Annabar Logan CD RA NAJ NAP NJP NFP (2/26/2004-)

Out of Valcar's Alibi for Thatcher:

CH Bellathatch Mystic Goddess (9/11/2005-) [OFA Excellent]

Out of Ragged Run Windfall Grace O'Mally:

AmCH Ragged Run Jolly Roger (10/2/2006-) [OFA LR-190281G49M-VPI]

Out of Windfall's Star Spangled Banner:

Banners Shezan Angel Northwood (2/14/2007-) [OFA Good]

Out of Ch Lobuff Puffin At Hollyridge:

Hollyridge Lobuff Steffi (9/5/2007-) [OFA Good]
Hollyridge Hunt Club Clayview Grandslam (9/5/2007-) [OFA Excellent]

Out of Windfall Stormy's Shadow:

MBISS ES,PT CH Windfall's Shadow Of Your Smile (6/13/2005-7/15/2020) [BVA 0:0]

Out of Rocheby Drambui Dash:

Bona Ventures Daphne (5/8/2003-) [OFA LR-155792G30F-PI]
Bona Venture's Griffin (5/8/2003-) [OFA LR-155724G30M-PI]

Out of Am.Ch. Tabatha's Wiggle:

Paradocs Clancy

Out of CH Caer Bren's Water Lilly JH:

AmCH Caer Bren Granville JH (5/7/2004-) [OFA LR161037E25M-PI]
Belquest's Last Laugh JH (5/7/2004-) [OFA Good]

Out of BISS Am CH Lobuffs Sandpiper At Hollyridge:

Am/Can CH Lobuff Hollyridge The Aviator WC (6/25/2004-) [OFA LR-165150G24M-PI]
Hunt Club Clayview Irish Cream (6/25/2004-)
Lobuff Holly Ridge Nat'l Treasure (6/25/2004-) [OFA Excellent]

Out of AmCH Mar-Moye Love Affair At Kai Den WC:

Mar-Moye Is You Or Is You Not (8/5/2006-) [OFA Fair]

Out of AM CH Windfall Lubberline Regatta:

Ch Wit's End Windfall Vegas Showgirl (1/19/2004-) [OFA LR-157798G24F-PI]

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