
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of Can. CH Sansue Lochinvar

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Chartwell Creole Queen:

Chartwell Ivanhoe Lochinvar (8/8/1996-)

Out of Chrys-haefen Holly A'Stonemead:

Stonemead Shelby

Out of CanCH Chrys-Haefen Lady at Silmaril:

CanCH Lady Nelson of Silmaril

Out of Wianettea-Thea van Spokendam:

Sirius Samantha (11/12/1989-) [OVC: AA1916]
Sirius Copain Falardeau (11/12/1989-)
Sirius Benjamin Joly (11/12/1989-)
Sirius Xenakis (11/12/1989-)
Sirius Rosie (11/12/1989-)
Sirius la Qu?becoise (11/12/1989-)
Sirius our own Kate (11/12/1989-2/1/2005)

Out of Rosecrest Ariel CD:

Rosecrest A.U. Two CanCD WC (12/25/1995-)

Out of Can. CH Chartwell Rieba Jessica:

Chartwell Ms Kitty Of Warkshire (4/8/1992-) [OFA GR-47745G34F]

Out of CanCH Sherhaven's Calypso Shaylee CanCDX:

CanCH Shaymar's Kristyrose for Leone CanCD (5/23/1990-9/3/2004)

Out of Sherhaven Rimfire Born Free:

Rimfire's The Chase Is On (5/10/1990-)
Rimfire's Theodore (5/10/1990-)
Rimfire Sherhaven Anglo Saxon (5/10/1990-)

Out of Can. Ch. Chartwell Miss Calamity Jane:

Chartwell Kaila-Skye (5/5/1981-) [OFA GR-15895-T]

Out of Can. CH Chartwell Strawberry Shortcake:

Chartwell Czarina Katrina Can. CD (2/17/1990-)

Out of Can. CH Chartwell Jennifer Juniper 2nd:

Can. CH Chartwell Kimbys Porcelainlace CanCD WC (5/22/1990-4/27/2005) [OFA GR-39395G26F-T]

Out of unknown dam:

Janlar Sweet Emmaline Can. CDX

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