K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Offspring of Lochar Gold Flake (3/16/1939-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Tess de Culwen:

Jaune Lassie of Roy (8/3/1946-)

Out of Chevrier's Golden Penny:

Golden Gleam of Avandale

Out of Landyke Marianne:

Brookstone Merrybelle

Out of Liddlesdale Lass:

Lochar Gold Flame

Out of Tauna of Treesholme:

Sandra of Blaircourt (7/8/1947-)

Out of Golden Grace of Glengour:

Tarnhows Golden Amy
Tarnhows Golden Actress

Out of Poppleton Golden Sherry:

Treasure of Treesholme
Triumph of Treesholme (12/26/1946-)
GB Ch Treat of Treesholme (12/26/1946-)
Can.Ch. Crozier's Truce of Treesholme (2/19/1946-)
Can.Ch. Trillium of Treesholme
Can.Ch. Crozier's Tanda Of Treesholme (4/26/1948-)

Out of Golden Dot of Glengour:

Golden Larch of Glengour (4/21/1945-)

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