
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of Bulrush Handy Am *** OD / Can MH WCX *** (12/26/2007-7/29/2022)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

By FTCH AFTCH Heads Up Tracks in the Taiga MH QA2 WCX *** OS Can WCI JFTR QFTR:

Heads Up Just Let Her Go JH (3/20/2013-2/2/2025) [OFA GR-115673G35F-VPI]
Heads Up Winter Storm Warning Am*** / Can ** (3/20/2013-) [OFA GR-113929G27F-VPI]
Heads Up Magnum Maggie (3/20/2013-)
Heads Up Anne Strutin UD OM1 (3/20/2013-) [OFA GR-114710G30M-VPI]
Heads Up Just Do It MH QA2 *** OS (3/20/2013-) [OFA GR-115019G32M-VPI]
ATChC Heads Up Sonic Zoom RI, ExJS, ExStS, ExGS, ExSB, MScDC, AG.N., AG.I.J., IAC, IWAC (3/20/2013-)
GMOTCh Heads Up Teknical Knockout CGN (3/20/2013-) [OFA GR-113646G26M-VPI]
Heads Up Bend the Rails MH WCX ** (3/20/2013-)
Heads Up Tsunami *** MH WCX UD (3/20/2013-) [OFA GR-114868G31M-VPI]

By Lakwoia's Copper Code WC ** OS / Can**:

Heads Up In Focus (5/25/2014-)
Heads Up Grady White JH WC (5/25/2014-12/15/2015)
Heads Up Semper Fidelis (5/25/2014-)
Heads Up Sonjador TDX (5/25/2014-)
Heads Up Handy's Cryptic Code (5/25/2014-)

By FTCH AFTCH Bulrush Yellow Bud US ***:

Bulrush Red Skye At Night JH (12/23/2009-)
Bulrush Banjo Can ** (11/4/2011-)
Ajtop's Hope of Bulrush JH WC (11/4/2011-) [OFA GR-109788G24F-VPI]
Bulrush Bart 2nd (11/4/2011-) [OFA GR-112616E38M-VPI]
Bulrush Harricana Dame Plume (12/23/2009-) [OFA GR-105288G25F-VPI]
Bulrush Roover (12/23/2009-)

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