
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of GRHRCH Will E. B. Ready MH OS (6/30/2003-6/10/2013)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Bacon's Sharp Shooter Annie Oakley SH:

GRHRCH Wfk's Willa B. Ready MH (5/4/2019-) [OFA GR-133446G24F-VPI]
Rainey Day Paradise of Cenark Golden Retrievers (5/4/2019-) [OFA GR-135158E29F-NOPI]
HR Goldmine's Jolie Two Socks (5/4/2019-) [OFA GR-133293F24F-VPI]

Out of HRCH Hooeys Golden Jet MH:

Whitebirchestigresredclover (5/17/2015-) [OFA GR-119679G25F-NOPI]
GRHRCH (3) Whitebirchesbrittfromthemitt MH MNR (5/17/2015-) [OFA GR-125642E47F-VPI]
GRHRCH Hooey's Golden Jets Kashmere MH MNR (9/30/2013-) [OFA GR-127174G66M-VPI]

Out of HRCH Sunny Dawn's Southern D'Lite CDX MH WCX:

Sunny Dawn's Sweety Pie (9/29/2010-)

Out of HRCH UH Runs Creek's Meant To Be OD:

GRHRCH(6) Runs Creek's Be Ready For Yeti HOF MH MNH OS HTHF *** (6/24/2010-9/3/2019) [OFA GR-106733G26M-VPI]
GRHRCH Runs Creek Lexi Will Bee Ready MH (6/24/2010-) [OFA GR-111531G50F-VPI]
HRCH Runs Creek's Ready To Rumble MH (6/24/2010-)
Runs Creek's Faith Under Fire (6/24/2010-12/20/2024) [OFA GR-106368E24F-VPI]
HRCH Runs Creek's Lady Abigail SH (6/24/2010-3/9/2023)

Out of HRCH Sunny Dawn's Ruby Red Torch SH:

HR Harness Creek's Golden Nugget (11/21/2011-)
Lizzy Cat Ready Dawn (9/19/2007-) [OFA GR-1062116G57F-VPI]
Will She B Dee's Ruby Red Lexus MH (11/21/2011-)
HRCH Molly Will B Dynomite (9/19/2007-5/10/2020) [OFA GR-99406G24F-VPI]
Golden Forest Ready 4 The Fire (9/19/2007-)
Ready To Rumble MH (9/19/2007-)

Out of HRCH Sunny Dawns Keep the Fire Lit SH WCX:

Golden Ruffles and Lace (3/9/2008-) [OFA GR-101707G30F-VPI]
Will E Keep Jack's Fire Lit (3/9/2008-)
Suns Up Mollie Is Ready (3/9/2008-)
Asia Lee Sutton (3/9/2008-)
Brentvue's Yes He Can Bosanova Barry CDX PCDX BN GN RE NA NAJ NAP NJP CGCA TKP STARPup TT (3/9/2008-) [OFA GR-108780G63M-VPI]
Dunagans Ginger Will B Ready JH (3/9/2008-) [OFA GR-100530G24F-VPI]
SHR Sunny's Golden Angel (3/9/2008-) [OFA GR-101705G30F-VPI]
Simmons Stunned Son Of A Gun (3/9/2008-)

Out of HRCH Topbrass Rocky Mountain Alley MH, WCX, CGC, TDI:

Peakview Scarlet Rough N Ready SHR SR (12/13/2012-)
SHR FLK's Wil Alleys Cali B Ready (12/13/2012-)
Peakview's Alley's Red Solo Pup (7/3/2014-)
SHR Peakview's Ready Willie & Able (12/13/2012-)

Out of HRCH UH Rippling Run Brandywine Surprise MH:

Baker's Shot Of Sweet Lucy (12/14/2011-)
SHR Olive Grove's Chloe (7/11/2012-) [OFA GR-114927G40F-VPI]
HRCH Cedarbreaks Sectumsempra WCX (12/14/2011-)
Wild Indigo Spirit (4/28/2011-)
HRCH Honey Get Ready To Run (2/23/2013-) [OFA GR-113469E26F-VPI]
Osage's Revenge Ready Ryder (2/23/2013-)
Brandy's Ready Mixed Bailey (12/14/2011-)

Out of HRCH Sempers Castaway Cassie JH:

UH HRCH Ready's Wild Rose (5/12/2007-9/4/2017) [OFA GR-98402G24F-VPI]
Gaddy's Silver-toed Jezebel (5/12/2007-)
Rainesways Casey Darlin (5/12/2007-)
Ready For Pickin (5/12/2007-)

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