
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of CZ JCH., CH HU, CH CZ, CH SK Ashbury Absolute Lover (12/8/2005-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Bessy z Veselsk?ch luk:

Taylor z Havlova dvora (8/25/2009-) [0/0]

Out of Erianne the Best Gold:

Nathali Ambra the Best Gold [AA]
Nathan Andy the Best Gold (3/14/2010-)
Mi-Lanka the Best Gold (5/26/2009-)

Out of Arabela Castagnara:

Amelia Punto Fuerte [AA (2012)]
Annabel Punto Fuerte (5/7/2009-) [HD A/A DLK0/0]

Out of Jenny My Love Bohemian Gold:

Linchael Bohemian Gold (8/21/2008-)

Out of SK Grand Ch Desert Rose Aldamity:

JCH SJ, CH MOL, UA,GRCH UA Gucci Evidog [0/0]
Goldie Evidog [A/A (2009)]
MultCh, JChSK, ChSK, ChUA, ChRUS, ChMOL, Evidog Gucci (5/11/2008-11/22/2017) [OFA A/A (2009) /GR-104145G39M-VPI]
CH Gladys Evidog (5/11/2008-) [A/A (2009)]

Out of Oklahoma Misantos:

Benjamin Zlaty tesak [A/A (2010)]
Benny Zlaty tesak [A/A (2009)]
Bellis Zlaty tesak (7/6/2008-) [A/A (2009)]

Out of SK JCH / PL Champion / SK Champion Arctic Sky Brdske Zlato:

Absolute Spirit Astral Sky (2/21/2008-) [A/A/ (2009)]
Absolute Star Astral Sky (2/21/2008-)
Absolute Trust Astral Sky (2008-) [A/A (2009)]
Absolute Sunshine Astral Sky (2/21/2008-) [1/2]
CH CZ + CH SK Absolute King Astral Sky (2/21/2008-) [A/A (2009)]
Absolute Magic Astral Sky (2/21/2008-) [A/A (2009)]
Absolute Destiny Astral Sky (2/21/2008-) [A/A (2009)]
Absolute Power Astral Sky (2/21/2008-) [B/B (2009)]

Out of Ch CZ Amye Bohemian Champagne ''U'':

Victoria the Best Baron (2008-)
Violete the Best Baron (2008-) [A/B (2009)]

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