
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of INT CH, FR/PT/LUX/DK/NORW/SWE CH Mitcharron Love Bug of Francosvaley (2/12/2003-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Kowalski Columbia:

Kowalski Fred Perry (6/7/2019-)

Out of PT CH Kowalski Cleopatra:

Kowalski Anacleto
Kowalski Filomena (4/6/2010-) [A]

Out of Festival's Signed Sealed Delivered:

CH Dee Dee Host of Angels

Out of Kowalski India:

Kowalski On Time (2/28/2011-)

Out of Kowalski Puma:

Kowalski Gabriela

Out of Belle Epoque de Zelkova:

Pegasus de Zelkova (6/11/2011-)

Out of Very Graceful Girl of Far and Away:

Essentially Love of Mac Lean Woods (3/22/2009-)

Out of Festival's Mary Queen of Scots:

SE U(U)CH Festival's Royal Flamenco (5/18/2009-) [FCI A]
SE U(U)CH Festival's Royal Kowalski (5/18/2009-) [FCI C]

Out of Kowalski Mesalina:

Kowalski Campanilla
Campanilla Jazmine

Out of Inassicas Samantha:

Inassicas Saragossa (6/13/2009-) [A]

Out of Aventurine du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre:

Kowalski Abigail (5/5/2007-)
Kowalski Mayo (5/5/2007-)
Kowalski Lauro (5/5/2007-) [6-3]

Out of Int Ch. - VDH Ch - Germ.JCh Ashbury Be My Baby:

JChRus, NRC, ChNRC Ashbury French Lover (6/4/2010-) [HD B(2011)]
Inside My Heart De Parmen Auriu (2/22/2019-) [OFA GR-132598G24F-VPI]
RJrCH, BulJrCH, BulCH, MdCH, MkCH, IntCH, NatCH Ashbury Forever Mine (6/4/2010-11/2/2021) [Unknown B-B]
Ashbury Fleetwood Mac (4/6/2010-) [AA 2011]

Out of ICH, MCH Hoiker's Amy Ful Of Fun:

Hoiker's Feliz Corazon (8/11/2009-) [FCI A]

Out of Swe.Sh.Ch Dewmist Serenissima Obedience Champion:

Dewmist Sabatina (6/26/2009-) [BVA 4:7]
Ro.Ch,Srb.Ch, Srb.Jun.Ch Dewmist Salentino Jun.Clubwinner 2010 (6/21/2009-) [B (2010.10)]
Swe Ch Dewmist Stavarache (6/21/2009-) [A (2010)]
Interchamp.C.I.E. PL JCh.,Ch.PL,Jun.ClubWinner'10 Dewmist Severiano Multi Ch. (6/21/2009-) [FCI HD A1]
Norw Sh Ch Dewmist Sorrento (6/21/2009-) [Unknown B (2010) - Norway]
Dewmist Serricella (6/21/2009-) [HD/A]
JChBLR, JChBreed, ChBLR, ChBreed, GrChBLR Dewmist Silvestro (6/21/2009-) [FCI A/A]
Dewmist Shanique (6/21/2009-) [B(19.05.2011)]
Dewmist Santarello CGC,TDI (6/21/2009-)

Out of IntCh,SerCh,JCh,Jun Club W. '07, ClubWin '08,'09. Swanavly Nordic Breeze:

Ch Sr Swanavly Royal Carnelian (1/11/2010-) [A2]
ChSr Swanavly Royal Vermilion (11/1/2010-) [A2 ]
Ser Ch Swanavly Royal Crimson JW (1/11/2010-) [A]
ChSr Swanavly Royal Cardamon (1/11/2010-4/5/2021) [A1]
ChSr Swanavly Royal Carmen (1/11/2010-) [A1]
ChSr Swanavly Royal Scarlet (1/11/2010-) [A1]
Ch Sr Swanavly Royal Persimonne (1/11/2010-) [B2]
Swanavly Royal Alzarinne (1/11/2010-)
ChSr, ChMac. Swanavly Royal Rosilla JCh (11/1/2010-) [A1]

Out of SWISS CH Ashbury Art Of Love TAN and Selectif A and B:

Ashbury Flip Flop Dance (6/8/2010-) [FCI B1/B1]
Ashbury Frivolity (6/8/2010-) [BVA 4-4]
Ashbury French Charm (11/6/2010-)

Out of Cheek to Cheek Bluebelle Girl:

cheek to cheek el macho iberico (3/15/2009-)
Cheek To Cheek El Botones Sacarino (3/15/2009-)

Out of PT CH Karvin Piedra Plata:

Kowalski Sexy Boy
Kowalski Sexy Lover
PT CH Kowalski Esther [10:9]

Out of Vera da Quinta do Ribeiro:

Nydia da Quinta da Cavada (2/6/2005-) [A]

Out of PT CH Thunderstruck of Glen Sheallag:

SPA CH Sexy Lover Golden of Franco's Valley (4/9/2005-) [BVA 7-7 ]
Wax the Great Golden of Francos Valley

Out of Classic Rhythm Jeanton:

Rus.Ch. Fiveshill Rosalinde (4/3/2009-) [A/A (2010)]
Fiveshill Florentino (4/3/2009-)
Fiveshill Magdalena
Fiveshill Lareina (4/3/2009-) [A]

Out of Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic:

ChD (VDH) ChCZ, GRANDCh CZ, JChCZ Cheek To Cheek Don Quijote de la Mancha Junior BOB, BOB, National Winner (8/4/2008-2/12/2022) [HD B/A]
Cheek to Cheek Dona Isabel (4/8/2008-)
Cheek to Cheek Dona Sofia (4/8/2008-)
Cheek to Cheek Don Diego de la Vega (4/8/2008-)

Out of CH Port Deborah Golden of Francos Valley:

Miss Espiga Golden of Francos Valley (4/29/2005-)
Super Fino Golden of Francos Valley

Out of starlight express of francos valley:

Royal Ward Golden Of Franco's Valley (2/15/2005-)
Royal Smile Golden of Francos Valley (2/15/2005-) [A/B]

Out of SE U(U)CH Festival's Baby:

Festival's Love Is My Drug (5/3/2009-)
Festival's Lovechild (5/3/2009-12/30/2022) [FCI A]

Out of Cheek to Cheek Seven Year Itch:

Cheek to Cheek Do the Right Thing (9/22/2008-)

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