
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of Sh Ch & Ir Sh Ch Gunhills Blue River (2/18/1994-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Dikeadaze Hot Ginger:

Dikeadaze Not Guilty JW, SGWC (5/2/2003-) [BVA 6-5]
Dikeadaze Allyby for Amberland (5/2/2003-) [7-8]

Out of Amblemere Grande Ettelia:

Amblemere Doublet (8/11/2003-) [Unknown Finland HD A 2004]
Amblemere Dumbledore (8/11/2003-)
Amblemere Desire (8/11/2003-)
Amblemere Debutante (8/11/2003-) [BVA 8-7]
Amblemere Deity (8/11/2003-)
Amblemere Dignity (8/11/2003-)
Amblemere Destiny (8/11/2003-)
Amblemere Dynasty (8/11/2003-) [BVA 9-9]

Out of Charmagen Princess Royal of Ritzilyn:

Ritzilyn Union Star (2/9/1999-)
Ritzilyn Under Way (2/9/1999-)
Ritzilyn Union Express (2/9/1999-)
Ritzilyn Union Jack (2/9/1999-)
Ritzilyn Up And Over (2/9/1999-)
Ritzilyn Upsy Daisy (2/9/1999-)
Ritzilyn Uptown Girl (2/9/1999-)
Ritzilyn Urban Cowboy (2/9/1999-)

Out of Millwater Sorrel Star:

Millwater Cotton Clipper (3/14/1999-)

Out of Kulawand Chaldean:

Twinbrook Alexandrite (9/21/2000-)
Twinbrook Amethyst (9/21/2000-)
Twinbrook Aquamarine (9/21/2000-)
Twinbrook Beryl (9/21/2000-)
Twinbrook Blue Diamond (9/21/2000-)
Twinbrook Corundum (9/21/2000-)
Twinbrooks Gemstone (9/21/2000-)
Twinbrook Sapphire (9/21/2000-)
Twinbrook Topaz (9/21/2000-)
Twinbrook Turquoise (9/21/2000-)

Out of Crowood Cleopatra:

Crowood Genevieve (10/22/1996-)
Crowood Georgie Girl (10/22/1996-)
Crowood Gigi (10/22/1996-)
Crowood Goldfinger (10/22/1996-)
Crowood Gone With The Wind (10/22/1996-)
Crowood Great Expectations (10/22/1996-)

Out of Bramhills Holly Hocks:

Bramhills Autumnbounty (10/23/1996-)
Bramhills Autumnbreeze (10/23/1996-)
Bramhills Autumnglory (10/23/1996-)
Bramhills Autumngold (10/23/1996-)
Bramhills Autumnharvest (10/23/1996-)
Bramhills Autumnmajic (10/23/1996-)
Bramhills Autumnmoss (10/23/1996-)
Bramhills Autumnrose (10/23/1996-)
Bramhills Autumnberry (10/23/1996-)

Out of Shardanell Touch Of Class:

Shardanell Out of the Blue of Fenwood (8/15/2002-) [BVA 6:5]
Shardanell Blue Diamond (8/15/2002-)
Shardanell Blue Lagoon (8/15/2002-)
Shardanell Blue Print (8/15/2002-)
Shardanell Blue Sapphire (8/15/2002-)
Shardanell In The Blue (8/15/2002-)
Shardanell Rythem N'Blue (8/15/2002-)
Shardanell Touch of Honey (8/15/2002-)
Shardanell Touch Of Romance At Laddenbank (8/15/2002-) [7:22]
Shardanell Touch of Blue (8/15/2002-)

Out of Amblemere Sea Queen:

SE VCH Amblemere Neptune (2/16/2002-) [Unknown A]
Amblemere Cassiopeia (2/16/2002-)
Amblemere Artemis (2/16/2002-)
Amblemere Athena (2/16/2002-)
Amblemere Harmonia (2/16/2002-)
Amblemere Persephone (2/16/2002-)
Amblemere Poseidon (2/16/2002-)
Amblemere Antaeus (2/16/2002-) [3:3]
Amblemere Aphrodite (2/16/2002-) [25:28]

Out of Giogan Cracklin Rosie at Darrochonna:

Darrochonna Rosie Red at Glamaig [BVA 6:3]
Darrochonna Red Arrow at Varadero (5/9/2001-) [4:12]

Out of Watersdale High Gem:

Watersdale Alair (2/26/2002-)
Watersdale Angela (2/26/2002-) [4-6]
Watersdale Arnelia (2/26/2002-)
Watersdale Athelia (2/26/2002-)
Mult. Int. CH. Watersdale Adam (2/26/2002-) [4-4]
Watersdale Ailsa (2/26/2002-)
Watersdale Ainsley (2/26/2002-) [8-7]
Watersdale Bella (2/26/2002-) [6-4]

Out of Winnatts Feodora JW:

Winnatts Thomasina (5/7/2002-)
Winnatts Thaddeus (5/7/2002-)
Winnatts Theodoric (5/7/2002-)
Winnatts Tristen (5/7/2002-)
Winnatts Tallulah (5/7/2002-)
Winnatts Theodora (5/7/2002-)
Winnatts Theresa (5/7/2002-)
Winnatts Tiphanie (5/7/2002-)

Out of Gunhills Dancing Delilha:

Fin Ch Gunhills Blue Skies (8/8/2002-) [C/C (2003)]
Gunhills Blue Delilah (8/8/2002-) [BVA 3:3]
Ir Sh Ch Gunhills Venus in Blue Jeans at Abinvale ShCM (8/8/2002-)
Gunhills Song Song Blues (8/8/2002-) [6-4]
Gunhills Blue Oasis

Out of Unforgotten of Bridge Four:

Airmaster of Bridge Four (10/11/2001-12/21/2013)
Allison Of Bridge Four (10/11/2001-)
Audrey of Bridge Four (10/11/2001-)
Anthony of Bridge Four (10/11/2001-)

Out of Gatchells Victoria:

Gatchells Blue Jordan JW (2/28/2002-) [4-3]
Gatchells Blue Velvet of Shambourne (2/28/2002-11/15/2014)
Gatchells Blue Melody (2/28/2002-)
Gatchells Blue Mist (2/28/2002-)
Gatchells Blue Shannon (2/28/2002-)
Gatchells Lady In Blue (2/28/2002-)
Gatchells Sky Blue (2/28/2002-)

Out of Nosam What A Babe:

Sunamic Bright Opal
Sunamic Distant Music (7/3/2002-) [6:21]
Sunamic Gentle Brook (7/3/2002-)
Sunamic Pure Gold (7/3/2002-)
Sunamic Sundance (7/3/2002-)
Sunamic Snow River (7/3/2002-)
Sunamic White Rapids (7/3/2002-)

Out of Siagar Sincerely Yours To Valisa:

Valisa Viceroy (6/3/2002-)
Valisa Vision of Light (6/3/2002-) [27:31]
Valisa Visual Encounter (6/3/2002-)
Valisa Vivacity (6/3/2002-)
Valisa Vivaldi (6/3/2002-)
Valisa Vivality (6/3/2002-)
Valisa Visual Image (6/3/2002-)
Valisa Vision At Dawn (6/3/2002-) [30:30]

Out of Sheilan Styrica:

Sunlark Sweet as Chocolate (7/30/1999-) [BVA 3:3]
Sunlark Emerald Forest (7/30/1999-)
Sunlark Funky Phantom (7/30/1999-)
Sunlark Golden Medley (7/30/1999-)
Sunlark Midas Touch (7/30/1999-)
Sunlark Mirror Image (7/30/1999-)
Sunlark Reflections (7/30/1999-)
Sunlark Vengaboy (7/30/1999-)
Sunlark Bedazzled (7/4/2000-)
Sunlark Krackerjack (7/4/2000-)
Sunlark Passion (7/4/2000-)
Sunlark Pendleside Lass (7/4/2000-)
Sunlark Pharoahs Gold (7/4/2000-)
Sunlark Rock Mountain (7/4/2000-)
Sunlark Sir Henry Bedruthan (7/4/2000-)
Sunlark Virtual Reality (7/4/2000-)

Out of Dorjealey Beeswax for Casauret JW:

Casauret Carisma (4/7/2000-) [20:23]
Casauret Crescendo

Out of Tarkeila Moonglow:

Tarkeila Blue Diamond [5:8]

Out of Camrose Dawn Chorus of Shutan:

Shutan Haunting Melody [7:6]
Shutan The Huntsman of Tyrol (5/9/1997-) [5:7]

Out of Penita Skylark:

Penita Spring Sunrise [3:3]
Penita Spring Sonnet [3:5]

Out of Stanroph Sandlark of Hayjoy:

German CH Hayjoy Blu Riva Babe (11/24/2000-) [A1A1]
Hayjoy Flighty (11/24/2000-) [5-6]
Hayjoy Holly and the Ivy at Purbarn (11/24/2000-) [BVA 5:4]

Out of Standfast Sonata of Dalius:

Dalius Gemini [19:16]
Dalius Giovanni [12:16]
Dalius Georgette [37:32]

Out of Ritzilyn Boogie Woogie:

Sophaisy Dolly Gray [6:4]
Sophaisy Marie Lloyd (1/8/1999-) [2-2]

Out of Putjade Parisienne:

Nosam Nomarch (11/30/2002-)
Nosam Silver Kascade (11/30/2002-)
Nosam Rustic Ranger (11/30/2002-)
Dynamo Dan (11/30/2002-)

Out of Nosam Blue Heaven:

Nosam Daydream in Blue (6/1/2001-) [7 + 11]
Nosam Spirit of the Blues (6/1/2001-) [7 + 23]
Nosam Out Of The Blue (6/1/2001-)
Nosam Bolt From The Blue (6/1/2001-)
Nosam Electric Blue (6/1/2001-)
Nosam Divine in Blue (6/1/2001-)
Nosam Fashion It Blue (6/1/2001-)
Nosam Mystique in Blue (6/1/2001-1/11/2011) [4 + 4]
Nosam Mystic River (1/22/2004-)
Nosam Babbling Brook (1/22/2004-)
Nosam Golden Ripple (1/22/2004-) [8-8]
Nosam Weathergirl (1/22/2004-)
Nosam Heaven Scent (1/22/2004-)
Nosam Winterbourne (1/22/2004-)
Nosam Blue Delta (1/22/2004-)
Nosam River Island at Kendaamber (1/22/2004-) [4 : 5 ]

Out of Ir. Sh. Ch. & Int. Ch. Erinderry Firebird:

Erinderry Jenny Wren (12/6/2002-)
Eng.Sh.Ch Erinderry Just The Ticket from Bluewaters JW (12/6/2002-2/11/2016) [BVA 3:4 Total 7]
Erinderry Just Jasmine for Applebrook (12/6/2002-) [BVA 3:3]
Su Ch & Nor Ch Erinderry Jacobite (12/6/2002-)

Out of Eng. SH. CH. Xanthos Shiny And Bright For Fernavy:

Fernavy Fly By Night (4/26/2002-) [HD BVA 2:2]
Fernavy full On (4/26/2002-)
Fernavy Fair Dinkum (4/26/2002-)
Fernavy Fairway (4/26/2002-)
Fernavy Fancy Free (4/26/2002-)
Fernavy Fast Track (4/26/2002-)
Fernavy Fiji Tips (4/26/2002-)
Fernavy First Class (4/26/2002-) [BVA Hip Score 4:4]
Fernavy Foreign Currency (4/26/2002-)
Fernavy Formula One (4/26/2002-8/19/2012)
Fernavy Freemantle (4/26/2002-)

Out of Giogan Miss Millie:

Giogan Blue Velvet (2/16/2002-)
Giogan High Hopes (2/16/2002-)
Giogan Blue Lagoon (2/16/2002-)
Giogan Magic Moment (2/16/2002-)
Giogan Blue Moon (2/16/2002-) [BVA 4-6 Total 10]
Giogan Blue Dawn (2/16/2002-)
Giogan Blue Boy (2/16/2002-)
Giogan Ain't She Sweet (2/16/2002-) [6-6]
Giogan Blue Yonder (2/16/2002-)

Out of Tippastree Tango:

Tippastree Pandora (4/20/1999-) [BVA 4:13]
Tippastree Potentilla [3:3]

Out of Colbar Winter Melody at Neustro:

Neustro Florentyna Balymena [3:6]
Neustro Ballyshanon O'Shea [5:3]

Out of German Ch Xanthos Lah Di Dah SGWC:

Xanthos Mississippi (2/24/2003-)
Xanthos Colorado (2/24/2003-)
Xanthos Hudson (2/24/2003-4/4/2005) [1:0]
Xanthos Liffey (2/24/2003-) [4-6]
Xanthos Tigris (2/24/2003-) [BVA 8-6]
Xanthos Volga (2/24/2003-)
Xanthos Swanee (2/24/2003-) [OFA GR-86325E26F-PI]
Xanthos Saskatchewan (2/24/2003-)
Xanthos Mackenzie (2/24/2003-) [6-4]
Int,Rus,Ger,VDH Ch. / Rus. JCh. Xanthos Orinoco (2/24/2003-) [Unknown A/A (2004)]

Out of Ninell Georgia:

Ninell Ottalie (10/14/1999-) [32:34]
Ninell Omar (10/14/1999-)
Ninell Orienne (10/14/1999-) [OFA GR-76132F30F-PI]
Ninell Oakley (10/14/1999-) [5:4]

Out of Sunny Gold:

New Orleans Dandy
Pearl Sunrise [BVA 5:7]

Out of Ravenglade The Duchess:

Ravenglade Machenzie (10/3/1997-)
Ravenglade Medway (10/3/1997-)
Ravenglade Mersey (10/3/1997-)
Ravenglade Missisippi (10/3/1997-)
Ravenglade Blue Nile JW (10/3/1997-8/13/2011) [3:5]
Ravengale Blue Nile (10/3/1997-) [BVA Hip Score 3:5]
Ravenglade Gypsy Cream (4/3/1996-) [BVA Hip Score 7:5]
Ravenglade Duchess Puddin (4/3/1996-) [BVA Hip Score 7:7]
Ravenglade Creme Caramel Of Anncliff (4/3/1996-) [BVA Hip Score 3:5]
Ravenglade Brandy Snap (4/3/1996-)
Ravenglade Charlotte Russe (4/3/1996-)
Ravenglade Crepes Suzette (4/3/1996-)
Ravenglade Ginger Nut (4/3/1996-)
Ravenglade Peanut Brittle (4/3/1996-)
Ravenglade Rum Truffle (4/3/1996-)
Ravenglade Tigris (10/3/1997-)
Ravenglade Alice (10/3/1997-)
Ravenglade Derwent (10/3/1997-)
Ravenglade Jordan (10/3/1997-)

Out of Goldmarker Dizzy Dreamer:

Goldmarker Head In The Sky at Amcotts (5/25/2002-) [3:16]
Goldmarker Head Over Heels I'm at Amcotts (11/18/1999-) [6:7]
Goldmarker Mama Mia (11/18/1999-) [9:8]
Goldmarker Dolly Daydream (5/25/2002-)
Goldmarker Beau Mirage (5/25/2002-)
Goldmarker Big Brother (5/25/2002-)
Goldmarker Cape Grace (5/25/2002-)
Goldmarker Riva Diva (5/25/2002-)
Goldmarker Spice Of Life (5/25/2002-)
Goldmarker Blue Rhine JW Sh CM 4 RCC's (11/18/1999-) [BVA Hip Score 4:13]

Out of Tilita Celebration:

Tilita Bleu Celebre (5/27/2001-)
Tilita Dragondrums (5/27/2001-)
Tilita Dragonflight (5/27/2001-)
Tilita Dragonquest (5/27/2001-)
Tilita Dragonsdawn (5/27/2001-)
Tilita Dragonsinger (5/27/2001-)
Tilita Dragonsong (5/27/2001-)
Tilita Dragonwings (5/27/2001-)

Out of Eng.Sh.Ch Colbar Royal Rhapsody JW:

SU(U)CH Colbar Step Ahead (11/22/1999-) [Sweden HD A (11/22/2000)]
Colbar High Time (11/22/1999-) [OFA GR74171F24M-PI;OVC 010553]
Colbar Maggie May (11/22/1999-2001) [32:31]
Colbar Dancing Diva At Gemmarique (11/22/1999-2010)
Colbar Georgie Girl (11/22/1999-)
Colbar Melody Maker (11/22/1999-)
Colbar Memories Of Rosa (11/22/1999-)
Colbar Rhapsody In Blue (11/22/1999-)
Colbar Wild Blue Yonder (11/22/1999-)

Out of Lindjan Quality Street Res.C.C.:

Lindjan Toblerone (6/9/1999-) [BVA 6:6]

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