
Golden Retriever

Looking for a Golden Retriever puppy? Click here.

Offspring of Swiss Club, Beauty+Show CH, Swiss JCH Themistocles My Tuno (6/19/2021-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Ajka Secrets of whirlwind:

Malin Golden Harmony vom Rebhügel (6/7/2023-)
Marley Golden Harmony vom Rebhügel (6/7/2023-) [A/A]
Mihra Golden Harmony vom Rebhügel (6/7/2023-)
Mika Golden Harmony vom Rebhügel (6/7/2023-) [A/A]
Mali Golden Harmony vom Rebhügel (6/7/2023-)
Merlin Golden Harmony vom Rebhügel (6/7/2023-) [A/A]
Max Golden Harmony vom Rebhügel (6/7/2023-) [A/A]

Out of Ch BiH, Ch PL, Ch HU Polaris Sneh Tatier:

Alsafi Draconis Star of Honeyway (6/9/2023-) [A/B]
Ardo Star of Honeyway (6/9/2023-) [A/B]
Ashley Star of Honeyway (6/9/2023-)
Angel Bailey Star of Honeyway (6/9/2023-)
Asgard Star of Honeyway (6/9/2023-)
Ailey Star of Honeyway (6/9/2023-)

Out of Swiss Vet CH Believe I can Fly of everlasting goldendreams:

Timberlake of everlasting goldendreams (6/23/2023-)

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