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Offspring of NLCh, NLVCh, rVWW Gunhills Dancing Dexter (3/24/2000-11/2013)
(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)
Out of Xanthous Oilily:
Herwildy's Lotus (2/6/2008-)
Out of IntCh. HCH. HRCH. Shamrock Diamond Symphony:
Shamrock Big Gun (3/24/2010-)
Shamrock Dancing with Gun (3/24/2010-) [B]
Shamrock Top Gun (3/24/2010-)
Shamrock Without a Gunshot (3/24/2010-)
HJCh, ROJCh. SRBJCh. Shamrock Guns and Roses (3/24/2010-) [FCI A]
Out of Miray's Dream Miss Tender:
Gulliver Gondal v.d. Tender Bende
Good Looking Luna v.d. Tender Bende (1/20/2004-)
Gracefull Dusty v.d. Tender Bende (1/20/2004-6/19/2012) [HD A]
Out of CH CZ Catkin Magic Is Friendly:
Arwen of Anavy (10/22/2005-) [B/B (2006)]
Abigail of Anavy (10/22/2005-) [B/B (2007)]
JCH BY, JCH RUS, CH RUS, CH CW, CH MAC, CH INT Ajax of Anavy (10/22/2005-) [A]
Anakin of Anavy (10/22/2005-)
Aragorn of Anavy (10/22/2005-) [BVA Hip Score 4:4]
Alison of Anavy (10/22/2005-) [C/C (2006)]
Ambassador of Anavy (10/22/2005-)
JCH RO Amelie of Anavy (10/22/2005-)
GrCH, CH, JCH Angua of Anavy Club Junior winner, Club winner (10/22/2005-) [A/A (2006)]
Arthur of Anavy (10/22/2005-) [BVA Hip Score 3:3]
Amber of Anavy (10/22/2005-) [Unknown BVA Hip Score 3:4]
Out of Miray's Dream Deirde Dee:
Miray's Dream Gimmy Gimmy Max (3/25/2002-)