
Golden Retriever

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Int./Nat. CH Windhill Savannah Sunrise CGC, RO2  (6/21/2017-)

Five generation pedigree:

Int./Nat. CH Windhill Savannah Sunrise CGC, RO2
Goldpuppies Sir Duece Play It Again
Goldenpond's Frisbies Rocket
Frisbies Rocket Roll ***
AFC Honeycreek's Jammin' Jaco MH OS
Quartermoon Bearrug MH WCX **
Buckshot's Brassy Honey
Frisbies Rollie Kate ***
Frisbies Hi Point OS
Frisbies Thompson Dori
Flaherty's Bailey's Irish Cream
Sir Homer J. Brown
Buster Winchester Brown
Courtneys Cayene
Miss Millie Rose
Buddy Jake Lohse
Lohse's Sage Brush
Northwoods Goldenpond Lady Lib
BISS Am./Can. CH. Westmarch One For The Money UD AX AXJ RAE OS Can-CD
BISS CH Bravo's Old Spice SDHF OS
AM/MEX/AMS/WC CH Sheffield-Ducat's Spellbound SDHF, OS
Ginge Ain't Whistling Dixie OD
Am./Can. CH MACH3 Westmarch Just One Look UDX RAE MXB2 MJC OD ADHF Can CDX
Am./Can. CH. Twin Oaks Westmarch Santee CDX TD MX AXJ OS
Am/Can CH Pebwin'N Westmarch Nestle CDX WC VC OD
Northwoods Best Secret Sunrise
Am/Can/Int'l CH Bravo HuntChase Alabama Slammer
AM/MEX/AMS/WC CH Sheffield-Ducat's Spellbound SDHF, OS
Ginge Ain't Whistling Dixie OD
Golden T's Beatles Best CGC
First Strings Play It Again CD
Sandy Acres Secret Shenanigan CGC
Windhill Summer Breeze CD, CGC, URO1, ThD
Autumns Tanner Sport
Golden Riley's Pooh Bear
Golden's Cinn-A-Man's Trail
Golden's' Would He Come
Golden's' 'O' Muzzle Velocity
Ginger's Grand Dixie Doodle
Gap View's Casper Snow Mist
Nattybohnsack (SN41351101)
Autumn's Golden Mystique II
Marks Buddy Best Bud
Zeckiel (SM98017108)
Permanns Magdalena
Sissy Girl One
Old Yeller XXIII
Blue Stems Pebbles
Windhill Kiah Mae of Stolzman
Jacob Nathanial Stolzman
Sunny's Green Acre
R Pal Buddy Holly
R Princess Cassandra
Hawleys Golden Sissy Girl
Bennington Lucky Dukie
Bennington Roxy Alley Rose
Carly Mae Stolzman
Samakan Donley
Sophie Marie Donley
Sir Golden Hogan
Ms Harleys Golden Lita

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