K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Salt Creek Changing The Rules  (11/7/2017-)

Five generation pedigree:

Salt Creek Changing The Rules
Multi JCH,JBISS Greenstone's Journey To My Heart
MBISS AmGCHG Epoch's Moccasin Joe
GCHB CH Quail Chase Broadway Joe Windfall
Liberty's Broad Ridge TDI
AmCH Caven's Coca-Mo Brute
Hunt Club Miss Corey CD,WCI,WC,CGC
Dune Dancer's Windfall Margarita CGC
AmCH Stonecrest's Davy Crockett WC
Windfall's Mardi-Gras Merengue
Epochs Treasure
BISS AmCH Wilcare Leisure Suit Larry JH WC
BISS AmCH Lubberline Pumpernickle
AmCH Willcare's Godiva JH
AmCH Epoch's Brown Baggin'
Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount
Epochs Oreo Cookie
Am. CH. Greenstone's Cuppa Delight
BISS GCH Banner's No Line On The Horizon
AmCH Endeavor Piccadilly Gotta Wear Shades JH NA NAJ WC CGC TDI
MBISS AmGCH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive WC
Can CH UWP UAGI U-CD SHR U-GRCH Lubberline Endeavor Binnacle CD JH NA RN WC CGC
Epoch's Bag of Tricks at Banner
Dt.Ch./Nl.Ch./VDH-Ch. Vet.Ch. Mallorn's Aldebaran
AmCH Epoch's Brown Baggin'
Ch Greenstone's Special Blend
Tequilabs Amadeus Air
Kenzo Anguiano
Que Katrina Carrillo
CH Bournhall's Mocha Latte At Pucketts
Bournhall's Sir Lawrence Oliver
Bournhall's Nutmeg Consellation
Greenstone Salt Creek Memory
AM Ch Greenstone's Believe It Or Not
Summerlin Pressing Danger JH
MBISS Am CH Hyspire Slim Shady JH WCX
BISS AmCh, Int.Ch,NL/Lux.Ch. Raintree Slippery When Wet JH
HySpire Major Attraction CD
MBISS GCH Summerlin's Charmed and Dangerous JH WC
MBISS AmGCH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive WC
Dutch Hollow Silver Charm
Mtn Meadow Greenstone Spiked Punch
AmCH MT Meadow Black Eye Affair
AmCH Kai Den's Black Tie Affair JH WC
MTN Meadow Its About Time
MTN Meadow Baby Ruth
AmCH Blackwing Barron At Mtnmeadow
MTN Meadow Hot Chick
Greenstone's Deja Brew
BISS GCH Banner's No Line On The Horizon
AmCH Endeavor Piccadilly Gotta Wear Shades JH NA NAJ WC CGC TDI
MBISS AmGCH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive WC
Can CH UWP UAGI U-CD SHR U-GRCH Lubberline Endeavor Binnacle CD JH NA RN WC CGC
Epoch's Bag of Tricks at Banner
Dt.Ch./Nl.Ch./VDH-Ch. Vet.Ch. Mallorn's Aldebaran
AmCH Epoch's Brown Baggin'
Ch Greenstone's Special Blend
Tequilabs Amadeus Air
Kenzo Anguiano
Que Katrina Carrillo
CH Bournhall's Mocha Latte At Pucketts
Bournhall's Sir Lawrence Oliver
Bournhall's Nutmeg Consellation

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