
Golden Retriever

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Prestige Sir Bentley Gilt SH  (9/29/2008-)

Five generation pedigree:

Prestige Sir Bentley Gilt SH
Sir Boomer JR. Of Kilker Ridge
Boomer Of Canyon Crossing
Harrison's Shadow
Sir Jacob Geronimo
Sir Golden Duke The Fourth
Aztec Molly
Duchess of Pentoak Farm
Sir Jake of Hunters Woods
Miss Dixie of Hunters Woods
Chloe Katarina BenBoomer Wilson
Cletis Zabdi Benboomer
Coppranas Comeback Boomerang
Molly Kenseng
Katarina Zahab Deelpidos
Lefty Gone Straight
Crazy Patsy Fallin To Pieces
Kookie Of Canyon Crossing
Sir Odin Keith Of Hatley RD
Benjamin Sungold
Hollywood Man
Lady Kate of Skye
Anderson's Queen Loo Loo
Bubba Boo Boo
Charlotte Queen Of Corn
Daisy Mae Of Rocking K
Anderson's Rusty Spike
Matthew's Little Rusty Nail
Matthew's Precious Gold'n Bear
Josie Gold of Robin Ridge
Atocha De Asta De La Bandera
Lacey Lorina
O'Brian's Golden Nuggett
Tramells' Texas Rebel
Chris' Golden McKenzie
Champagne's Golden Murphy
Golden Mischief Margaret
Chris' Golden Madison
Texas Ty Boy
Penny's Golden Sassy
Lady Grace Trudence
Sir Lotsoluck Tex
Lord Zacharias Rex
Susquehanna (SG000086)
Lucky's Perdygirl
Jungolds Four S Governor
Golden Precious
Starzy Bizarrzy O'Brian
Prince Blake of Paris
Princeton Satchel
Prince's Bronze Son
Shoney Nicole Tahoe
Dutchess Diane Of Gainesville
Sir Charles O'Riley
Goldie Lou III
Lacy Marie II
Coker's General Jake Junior
Waylon's Bubba Jake
General Lee's Southern Belle
Lucy Our Love
Chances R I'm Still Hope'n CD
Beautiful Blondie (SN14129810)

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