
Golden Retriever

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Glorybee's Mondi Editor  (1/12/1977-)

Five generation pedigree:

Glorybee's Mondi Editor
Am. CH. Footprint Of Yeo CD OS
Eng./Irish CH. Mandingo Buidhe Colum
Alresford Nice Fella
Alresford Carlton Kim
Alresford Illustrious
Wakefield Girl
Alresford Chiquita
Eng. CH. Avonvale Brandy
Eng. CH. Alresford Atom
Buidhe Dearg
Eng./Irish Dual CH. David Of Westley
Eng. CH. Dorcas Glorious of Slat
Eng. CH. Susan of Westley
Irish FT. CH. Stubblesdown Vanda
Stubblesdown Brack
Eng. Dual CH. Stubblesdown Golden Lass
Jessica of Yeo
Ringmaster Of Yeo
Eng. CH. Alresford Advertiser
Eng. CH. Alexander of Elsiville
Eng. CH. Alresford Mall
Eng. SH. CH. Pandown Poppet Of Yeo
Eng. CH. Torrdale Faithful
Eng. CH. Fiona of Maidafield
Judith Of Yeo
Tregassa Brush of Yeo
Highlight Hero Of Yeo
Fortune of Yeo
Dartmoor Golden Glorious
Eng. CH. Masterpiece of Yeo
Pandown Lady Pearlie
AmCH Glorybee Merri Mondi CD
Am./Can./Mex. CH. Cal-Vo's Happy Ambassador Am./Can. CD OS SDHF
Am. CH. Footprint Of Yeo CD OS
Eng./Irish CH. Mandingo Buidhe Colum
Alresford Nice Fella
Buidhe Dearg
Jessica of Yeo
Ringmaster Of Yeo
Judith Of Yeo
Am. CH. Beckwith's Malagold Starfarm OD
Am. CH. Malagold Beckwith Big Buff CD OS SDHF
Am./Can./Bda./Mex./Col. CH. Beckwith's Copper Coin OS SDHF
Beckwith Chrys-Haefen Belinda OD
Beckwith's Chickasaw Jingle OD
Am. CH. Golden Band of High Farms WC OS
Am. CH. Chickasaw's Mischief Maker WC
Glorybee Peppermint Patti
Am./Can. CH. Kyrie London By Diel Am./Can. CDX Am. WC
Am./Can. CH. Gayhaven Lldiel Am./Can. CDX, OS Am. WC
Am/Can CH. Gilder's Wingra Beau OS
Am. CH. Gayhaven Harmony CDX
Am./Can. CH. Kyrie Jaen Cobi Am. UD WC Can. CDX WC
Holway Stubblesdown Jolly ***
Am. CH. Gayhaven Harmony CDX
Glorybee Dusty Ruffles CD OD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Bronze CD OS
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF
Sidram's Kapering Korky CD OD
Sun Dance's Heather CD OD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Nugget UD * OBHF
Sun Dance's Scheilah OD

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